Chapter 2

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         English is the only good part of my day, sadly it just has to be first period.  Second block was science, my worst subject.  It seemed to last forever with Cam seated next to me throwing paper at me when the teacher wasn't paying attention, or so he thought.  "Cameron do that one more time and I'll send you to iss" Miss Reece, the schools meanest teacher yelled.  Cam smirked at her, oh god what is this child- "Well I'll just grab my stuff and start walking there myself" he stated with a chuckle.

         The class sat down in silence with the exception of girls gasps, what is he thinking?  His mother is going to kill him, everyone at his house takes school very seriously.  Sadly, this is normal for Cameron. he likes to think he's the class clown. 

          Now that my best friend is gone for most likely just this period, I put in my headphones humming along to You Me At Six.  I guess I must have zoned off because I heard my name being screamed along with a book slamming repetitively on my desk.  Haha whoops.  

          Class was already finished and i was twenty minutes into third block, thank god I have lunch first otherwise I would've been late.  As I was basically sprinting down the hallway because I was late to go meet Cameron, I ran straight into someones chest.  I looked up to see the most strangest but prettiest golden eyes I've ever seen.  The only other time I've seen gold eyes was in my- "Pay more attention when you're walking will you" his deep voice snapped waking me out of my trance. 

          I shot him daggers and continued walking down the hall thinking about his eyes.  They look so familiar but I can't remember where I've seen them before.  I pushed my thoughts to the side as i crept up behind Cam.  "AHHHHH WHAT THE" he screamed when I forcefully grabbed his sides.

          I prepared to run but Shawn saved the day approached us with a cheeky grin on his face.  "My hero" I said fanning myself with one hand and put the back of my palm on my forehead throwing myself to the ground.  His grin slowly turned to a look of concern then just a plain what the heck is wrong with my best friend look.

          "She scared me" Cam stated with no emotion.  Shawn's good mood instantly vanished and he grew quiet.  Ouch, trouble in paradise.  

         Lunch ended quick thankfully, the tension was too much to bare.  Shawn and I walked to class just before the bell rang.  "Jack pull up a seat next to Ellie, Ellie raise your hand."  I raised my hand and head to see the golden eye boy looking at me like I was a walking ebola stick.  Weird?!    

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