Donochode and Jury

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Donochode was hanging out with his perverted friend, Jury. "Fist me harder daddy!" Jury said, emulating what he did to your mom last night. Donochode soon zapped him with his fucking teaser that can go to Hell. Ow. Poor jury. Anyway, Jury left and went to Fuck your bitch. "Swooce. What the shit happened?" Donochode said. Donochode wanted to show Ethern that papyrus with the weird face again, but Ethern was "sick." (By that he pretended to be so he could skip school and play Drattun vs Bayzur 2.) Anyway, oodie was also absent. So Donochode was bored at school. Jury 'came' back and told Donochode that the reader's bitch was ugly. So they just talked about swooce and other shit like that. When oshen hore walked bi. "Time to get my condoms" jury said. Jury was kidding, but did get out condoms. For no reason. Perv. Soon, Donochode just stared. Degyo walked up to oshen hore. "Wana fuke?" Degyo said. RIP degyo. Anyway, Ethern II was walking by and laughed at Degyo's beaten up body. Donochode then faked a seizure and got home. He then tried to Skype Ethern to show him shitty kayla na pictures. But then, he thought of something what if oshen hore likes me? Then again, she pretty much likes everyone, so it is not far fetched at all. Then vomited, realizing that he is in a fanfiction, so he is probably going to be forced with her. " FUCK YOU, NARRATOR!" He said. Only time will tell.

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