Hello Fellow Wattpadians!

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Hi, I'm fabulous! Oops, I mean @theStoryfangirl but you can call me Faith ^-^

I am the NEWEST *big, emphatic hand gesture* member of this AWESOME club, which I am absolutely honored to be in.

Now, about me. I am a geirdzy (geek, crazy, weird, and a bit nerdy) fangirl, hence the username.
I love books, TV shows, animals, and fictional boys! Erm...characters!

*cough cough* Eren Jaeger, Lockwood, Prince Kai, the Doctor, Percy Jackson, Leo, Jawn Watson, Dick Grayson and lots lots more *cough*

I am in TONS of fandoms, most of which are listed on my main account, if you want to see if we have any in common. Although I can't put all of them due to the dang word limit.

Besides all my fangirlness, I love making up words, dancing, singing, watching Netflix and READING! Ooh, and I'm 13, although in 3 days I will be 14 (or already will be depending on when you read this).

All of my friends are weird (which is a compliment obviously ;D), which is probably why they can be around me without being uber (a fun word, but for some reason my autocorrect says it's wrong. Darn autocorrect)

Ohhh I think I'm making this too long. Um, I'll just tell you what some of the books I've written are about really quickly then.

Various Thoughts is my poem/interesting things I think of book. Just some thoughts of mine (kind of in the name).

Fandom Stuff is where I talk about or post pictures of the fandoms I'm in. If you're not a fangirl, I would be careful about reading that book. Some dangerous stuff in there. Remember....you've been warned.

A Flash of Fiction is my book where I write down short stories. It's one of my favorite books out of all the ones I've written. It's the most popular book of mine, but I have to confess that I've been less than diligent in updating it lately. Extremely less. I kind of started these new TV shows and I'm kind of addicted now (XD kind of the story of every fangirl, except with other stuff)

For The Sad and Depressed is a book I wrote for those of you who are sad, worried, depressed, and lonely. A lot of my friends seem to be one of those so I made this book.

Books, Books, and More BOOKS is my book discussion/review book. I have already revised two amazing books so far. Like seriously amazing books, jsyk (just so you know)

Dictionary of Foof and Friends is a book I made to write down some of the weird words and inside jokes my friends and I come up with. And Foof is the nickname my friends gave me because "I'm very Foofy". And before you go all "Woah!" on us, just know, we didn't the urban dictionary definition when they came up with that. And please don't look it up. Although, I suppose some of you are too curious not to. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Last but not least....
Amazonia: A Doctor Who parody is my first book I ever wrote, which I did with my friend. Unfortunately, she stopped writing it and it's on hold. Which is think is what you're supposed to call it when you've stopped writing it. Honestly, don't know if I'll ever get back to it, but its there if you're curious (you sneaky, curious people who probably looked up Foof when I told you not to).

Anyways, that's all. I'm so sorry I took up so much of your time. Hopefully you're not mad at me for making this so long. There was just so much to tell you. But that's it. I'm pretty tired at the moment, you can probably tell, and I've reached 600 words. I think I'm done now. Thanks for reading all of *that* *weird hand gesture to everything above this line*

~<3 Faith aka theStoryfangirl ^-^

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