So this morning i reached for the ring but for some reason it wasn't there i nearly started to cry because that night was the best night of my life i called Marcus and he said sry i took your ring i felt so much relief i was starting to think that the past three years had been a dream and it upset me he was mine and it would kill me if he got back together with bridget *today was a vary emotional day for me* i went out and i heard people whispering oh look its that gay guy once agen i felt like i was going to cry so I came home and layed down on the coutch with the two dogs for once they where not cuddleing eachother and they were cuddling me later on i texted my best friend dawn she called me and asked whats wrong and i told her about how i went for a walk and she said listen i know its hard but look what you and Marcus are doing shows you have alot more curage then other cuples i told her thanks for your help and she said anything for a friend soon after that markis came home he sat down and asked what happened i asked him to he responded to the guy i once knew to that guy who was vocal about his opinion i was so angry that me and
Bryan slept on the couch i couldnt sleep on because Grayson kept scratching at the door trying to get out and two because i missed markus