Meeting My Heros

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(Your Pov)

I yawned as I walked to the kitchen for breakfast. "Hey Steve." I said seeing him sitting at the table. "Hey (Name), um do you know who's on the couch?" He asked me.

"Huh?" I put down my toast, and went into the living room. "What the? Holy shit it's America!" I said and ran back to Steve. " who?" "America! From Hetalia, he's on the couch.!" I whisper yelled.

"From that show? That's not possible." I pulled him into the living room.
"That's America see?" I showed him the passed out American on the couch. "I don't think so, maybe he's one of those cookplayers." He said.

"It's cosplayers Steve, and I think he's a real-deal." He stirred and I jumped behind Steve, and looked from behind him.

America rubbed his eyes, and sat up. "Ugh my head..where am I?" He said and looked around, he looked at us and jumped. "Who are you?" He said squinting at us.

I looked down and saw that Americas glasses were on the floor. "Oh, I'm here ya go." I said and handed him the glasses. "Oh thanks dude- oh my gosh your (S-Superhero name)! and Captain America!"

He yelled and stood up. "Uh hi." I said and looked to Steve giving that what-do-we-do? Look. He cleared his throat. "Mr.America do you know how you got here?"

Steve asked. "No, wait you know who I am?? Aw cool dude!...wait a minute are you really Steve and (Name)? Or are you Chris Evans and (Your famous name)?"

"Who?" I asked. "Uh how did you get here America?" I asked and sat him down on the couch. "Well I watched a Marvel Marathon, then Eyebrows gave me a- oh yeah! England gave me a drink that made me dizzy and pass out, then I woke up here!"

He said then starred at me. "Your really (superhero name)? A-And Captain America?" "Well I go by (Name) when I'm not wearing the suit, but yeah-?" "Excuse us a minute." He said before pulling me into the kitchen.

"Why are you trusting him so easily?! He could be an enemy!" He whisper yelled at me. "I don't think so Steve, I think we can trust him."

"He could of made up that story." "You watched Hetalia with me, you know that's something England would probably do, to get rid of him," I whispered. "Lemme ask him a question only he would probably know, I know how to go about this Steve, I've read like every 'In your world' and 'In The Hetalia World' fanfic like ever."

I said then walked back to the Living room, where Thor was talking to America. "Godmorning Thor, heh get it? Cause your a god? Hahaha" I said and sat in front of America.

"Hahaha! Very funny Lady (Name)!" He said and stood up, and walked to the kitchen. "Hey America, soo Im a big fan and I just wanna ask you some questions."

"Your a big fan of me?" He asked with stars in his eyes. "Yeah man! I watch your anime like every day."

"I have an Anime! That's so cool!" "Yeah so um I got some questions." "Sure!" I thought for a moment. "Okay what's your human name?"

"Alfred F. Jones" "What's your Human age?" "18" "What are your 3 favourite things?" "You, Freedom, and Kicking ass!" He said and blushed, realizing that he said me.

"Steve! He's a real deal! I yelled towards the kitchen. "Way to go Alfred! You passed your 'is he legit' test!" I said standing up and patting him in the shoulder.


America was siting at the kitchen counter, eating a burger, as all of the Avengers sat in the living room. "I like him! we keep him?" I said "Yeah! Can we?" Tony said beside me.

"He's not an animal," I started typing America 😂) "And he probably needs to be in the Universe he came from, if he's a country it's probably important that he goes back."

Steve said, and Nat nodded. "I think Steve's got a point." She said. "But how are we going to send him back? We're not like England, we can't just make a potion to send him back." I said.

"And we don't have powers that could send him back either." Tony said. "Loki does." Clint said. "That is true brother Clint, but it won't be easy getting him to do so." Thor said.

"But you could get him to?" Steve asked. "Possibly" Thor responded. "Well how about we keep him here until then, and get some info about his world?" I asked. "Fine with me!" Tony said and we both got up and ran to the kitchen to tell America the good news.


(Steve's Pov)

I hate him. He's been around (Name) constantly the 2 weeks he's been here, and she's been all eyes for him too. Damn Anime crushes.

"I remember everything, I've watched your movie over a million times! Especially your training! That's my favourite part of your movie!" Alfred said to (Name) as they sat on the couch.

"So who ends up with who?" (Name) asked. "Well in the comics Black Widow is with The winter soldier-" "Who's that?" Alfred covered his mouth. "Spoilers, can't tell, but they usually change it, so she might be with someone else." "Man, then what about me? Do I get a 'partner'?"

"Yeah in Age of U- in a future comic you and Steve end up together, but I can't tell you anything else or you'll know the future, and that usually messes up stuff." "True, I end up with Steve, I'm cool with that."

I grinned when she said that, and walked to the training room.

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