Chapter 1

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Me: Ok guys, this is where all of our binge watching pays off, we have the layout of the Titans' Tower completely memorized. You ready?

Ari: Well, duh!

Ashley: Yeah!

Me: Alright then, let's go!

(The Titans are all sitting in the living room, enjoying their evening.)


*jumps on the Titans with Ari and Ashley*


*ties up the Titans in chairs. Makes Beast Boy and Raven sit back to back on the ground.*

Me: *exploding on the inside*

Raven: Hey! What are you doing?

BB: Yeah, what did we do?

Cyborg: Wait, are these more of those fan girls?

Starfire: Oh, I believe so!

Cyborg: Robin! I thought you fixed the security systems so no more could get in!

Robin: I did, I swear!

Raven: Well then how did they get in?

Robin: I don't know!

Me: Guys, guys! Calm down!

Ashley: Yeah, we crawled through the vents.

Robin: *sighs* I have to remember to put an alarm on those.

Starfire: There is one thing I am not the getting. Why are the fan girls here?

Ari: We're here to play... TRUTH

Ashley: OR


Titans: Ugh!

Me: What's wrong?

BB: We goes through this on a weekly basis, yo. We're getting tired of it.

Raven: Yeah, no kidding.

BB: Oh come on, Mama. We all know you like it when we gets dares together.

Raven: Do not!

Me: *screams at the top of my lungs*

Cyborg: What was that for?

Me: *whispers* The Bbrae... *starts running around the room squealing and laughing*

Robin: What's up with her?

Ari: Oh, she's a HUGE Bbrae shipper.

Raven: Oh no... How much of a Bbrae shipper is she?

Ashley: How about, 'so much of a Bbrae shipper that her bedroom is Bbrae themed and she's working on a shrine'?"

BB: Yes! Finally! The last three fan girls who came here were Robstar shippers! I finally get more Raven! Thanks for tying us up!

Raven: *glares at him and uses powers to punch him in the face*

BB: Ow! What was that for, Mama?

Raven: For being so excited about being tied up to me.

Me: *stops running around and screaming*

Cyborg: Finally, I thought she'd never stop screaming!

Me: *slowly walks over to BB and Raven and sits down in front of them*

BB: What is she doing...

Raven: Yeah, this is really creeping me out.

Starfire: I believe she is the staring.

Robin: Quick, Raven, use your powers to untie the ropes.

Raven: *snaps fingers, causing all ropes to vanish*

Me: *comes back into reality* Hey, what are you doing?

Raven: Getting out of these ropes.

Me: Well fine, but you all have to stay here.

Starfire: *flies over* Oh, that is the fine, friend... Hmm... *scratches head* I do not recall hearing your names.

Me: Oh, well this is Ari.

Ari: Sup.

Me: And this is Ashley.

Ashley: Hi.

Me: And you can call me Twyla.

Starfire: Joy! I shall try my best to remember the names!

Me: That's great!

Cyborg: So are we gonna play or not?

Ari: I thought you didn't want to play.

Robin: Yeah, but if we have to, we'd rather get it over with.

Me: Good! We'll start next chapter!

BB: Chapter?

Me: I'll explain later. Say goodbye to the readers!

Raven: Readers?

Me: I'll explain later, ok? Bye everyone!

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