Chapter 1

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~Natasha's POV~
Some of the girls in the red room were younger than me, others were older, but all much more beautiful than myself. That's what confused me. Out of all the young, beautiful women here. Why did he choose me? I ask myself that question but I'll never know the answer.
~In the red room...~
I sparred with the other girls in the room, as I did every day. We had a strict schedule every day, and everyday we sparred. I've sparred with every girl in the red room program and never once have I lost. I was sparring with a girl two years younger than myself, Victoria. She was a good fighter for her age, but of course, like the rest, I had her on the mat in less than 2 minutes. Usually there weren't observers, but today there was a man. I immidiently knew who he was. I'd heard many stories about the man with the metal arm. He was the Winter Soldier. He had shoulder length, brown hair, Blue-grey eyes that seemed lost, showing no emotion in them at all,  and of course, the metal arm. The metal arm had a red star on the bicep. It seemed like a very intriguing piece of machinery. I'd never seen it in person, and a part of me didn't believe he really existed. I must've been staring because when I came out of my gaze they were all staring at me, trying to get my attention. I was sparring again. This time, it was a girl 8 years older than me, and far more beautiful, yet I felt his eyes on me. The girl's fighting style was swifter than most in the program, but still not swift enough. In a mere 5 minutes, I had her unconscious, on the ground. She came to moments later. As the girls exited the room, for the shooting range, I turned to walk out, when I heard a soft, masculine voice. "Stay for a moment." I turned around and my eyes met the blue-grey eyes of the soldier. "I'm James. James Buchanan Barnes. I've been assigned to train you."  I tilted my head. "There are plenty of girls here. Why me?" "Because you're not like them. You're different." At the time, I did not realize how much those words would mean to me. It didn't take me long to learn. I walked over to the man. He stuck out his metal arm for me to shake. I reluctantly shook it. "I'm Natalia. Natalia Romanova." There was a strange feeling I got from this man. Something I'd never felt before. I trusted him. I'd given him my real name without hesitation. That had never happened before. What was this man doing to me? "Would you like to spar?" My eyes widened. "With you? You have way more experience than I do. I'm not sure I'm ready for that." He sighed. "This is why I'm here, Natalia. I'll go easy on you." I shivered slightly when he said my name. His voice was so smooth, and people don't usually call me by that name, so hearing him say that was a pleasant oddity. "Alright. Why not?" We stepped onto the mat. My fighting style must've seemed like a child's compared to his. If the other girls thought I moved swiftly, they should've seen him. Every move was so graceful, like a normality for him. It was like he didn't even have to try. Everything seemed to come so easily. The way he moved around the mat with such experience. It amazed me...and distracted me. I landed flat on my back. He smirked. "Miss Romanova, were you getting distracted?" He said sarcastically. I glared at him. "Alright big guy, let's go again." We sparred at least ten more times, every time ended with me on my back. "You've got a lot to learn, Natalia." I smiled. As much as I hated to admit it. I think I was falling for this man. I frowned when I realized I couldn't fall for this man. They would never allow it. And I had to live with that. He looked confused. "What is it?" I shrugged. "It's nothing. Just lost in thought. I better get to the range before they come get me." He looked...disappointed? The cold eyes I didn't think we're able to show emotion, now showed slight emotion. I shook it off and turned around to walk away. "See you tomorrow, Nat." I turned around, smirking. Nat. I could get used to this. "And to you, James." I left the room, proceeding to get back on schedule for the day. I went to the gun range, shooting all bullseyes. "You have shown great improvement, Ms. Romanova. You are close to being ready for the procedure." I shuddered at the words of the evil woman, Mary, that ran the program. I knew what the procedure was. It was the 'graduation ceremony' as they called it. They sterilize you, so it's one less thing they have to worry about. They claimed it to be necessary. I did not. I'd been dreading those words since the moment I found out about the ceremony. As childish as it seemed, a part of me hoped I'd one day find love. Maybe be able to start a family of my own. But I knew that would never happen. It was inevitable. The ceremony was destined to happen. My hopes and dreams belonged to them now. Just like the winter soldier's belonged to Hydra. I began thinking about James once again. I felt sorry for him. The stories I heard were inhuman, the things hydra did to that man. He didn't deserve that hell. He doesn't deserve it. I began to believe I was falling in love with James Buchanan Barnes. No, Natalia. Love is for children, you know that. As much as I wanted to love that man, as much as my heart pleaded for it, my brain told me it'd be the best for everyone if I didn't love anyone.

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