It is said that in order for two people to stay together and happy they must sacrifice either time or money, I believe that it is neither in the case with me and the love of my life. Recently I committed to a life together with Lucy and I stand by that, we have since decided to find an apartment to live in near to the college we are both to attend. I decided that before we were to move in together I should take it a step forward and ask her to marry me.
Usually every night we stay up late and just talk, but one night (It was a Friday so we stayed up later than normal) we were talking about college and what we were going to do after and then we got on the subject of what if something were to happen to us, I told her nothing will because "you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and you are the one that I want to grow old with and watch our grandchildren play in the yard" she didn't say anything for awhile until she responded with "do you really mean that" I told her "I do, but before you say anything else will you marry me".