Strange Dreams

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So...I decided to add some more stuff on here! Because my brain has many strange ideas...
OH! This one is based off a dream I had a while back (changed some characters, though). It's also on my old thing, but you should never look it up cause that version (a PJO fic) absolutely sucks! Anyway, on to the strange chappy!

Lukas: Norway
Peter: Sealand

Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Uhg. Dumb Dane." A certain Norwegian grumbled. It was 2:18 in the morning, which was WAY to early to deal with the "annoying Dane's" childish antics. "What you want, idiot?"

"'s actually Peter. Can I talk to you? Just for a minute?" A quiet voice responded from behind the door.

What could Peter possibly want at this hour? Lukas thought to himself. Begrudgingly, he got out of his snazzy as floof bed, and opened the door.

"Come on in." He said monotonously.

The young Sealander nodded his head and quietly made his way into his "uncle's" room. Lukas motioned for the young boy to sit on the edge of the previously mentioned snazzy bed with him.

"Uncle Lukas, your really smart." Peter said, making the Norwegian a bit confused.

"Um...thank you...?" Lukas questioned. He wasn't very used to being complimented.

"I was hoping that you could use your smarts to help me. I had a dream and I'm not entirely sure what it meant..."
Peter whispered, trying not to wake anyone else up at the ungodly hour.

Lukas was now even more confused. What kind of dream did he have? It's not one of those...he gulped.

"Well, what was this dream about?" He asked, trying (and failing) to not sound uncomfortable.

"Well, I had a dream that Artemis stole Thor's hammer, but nobody knew that it was here because she was wearing a Darth Vader costume and on her costume it said 'FOR ROME!' and Reyna Ramírez-Arellano joined her hunt and offered Percy Jackson minty gum!" The young boy took a gasp of air," but then, it got even weirder! Because the dream shifted and I was running around in the basement and I saw Gollum and a cartoon kitty an I flipped my stuff an passed out! When I came to, Gollum was standing over me, stroking the kitty, calling it his 'precious'. So I got away from him, grabbed a copy of the Lord of the Rings, and slammed him in the book so he would be trapped in there forever! Then I grabbed the kitty, called her Lily, walked up the stairs, and boom! I woke up!"

Lukas looked at Peter with somewhat concern (one of the very few emotions he could show).

"Is that all?" He asked sarcastically.

"I think that there was a bathroom involved, but I can't remember. Anyway, what do you think that means? Is it a warning of some-sorts?" The child responded, a bit worried that it could have been a death omen.

The room was quiet for a moment. Lukas glanced at the clock. 2:49, it read.

"I think it means," he yawned, "that you shouldn't eat an entire 5-pound gummy bear before you go to sleep"

"So, no death omen?" The Sealander asked.


"Nothing hinting towards the end of the world?"



"Peter, can we talk in the morning? I mean it's already *pause* 2:54. Why not just sleep of the strangeness?"

A moment passed filled with nothing but the faint snores of the other Nordics.

"Mkay!" Peter exclaimed quietly. "Thank you Uncle Lukas!"

With that, the young child hoped up from the snazzy bed, and went into his own room.

Lukas stared at the door for a bit.

"What is wrong with that kid?"

THE END AND WHATNOT! What did you think? Yay! Nej! Did you laugh? Did you smack yourself? I wanna know!

Just 'cause I'm curious, have any of you ever had a dream like that? I just want to see if I'm alone...

If you have any requests, feel free to let me know!!!


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