Getting lost

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Third P.O.V

Then FRED dan dan daaa woke up and was like were am I. He looked around and he was in the middle of the woods and he was like ahh crap and he saw a lake next to him. He was super thirsty so he had a sip from the lake and he was like aghhh super nice. Now how on earth am I going to get home? Then Fred got out of the lake and he noticed that there was a fire and he thought hunger games much. He was like RUNNNN FOR YOUR LIVVES. To himself because their was nobody around. But he sprinted and twisted his ankle and a magical Ray of sunshine destroyed the fire. He was like OMG this forest is magical and he then farted very loudly and it set it alight again and he said aghh crap for the 2nd time today and he fainted.

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