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I walk across the hallway, mind fixated on reaching the destination; the lights flickering on and off. I could hear the screams and the fists of the patients' banging against the bulletproof glass, reminding me of a horror movie I watched with my siblings a few nights ago. I stand up straighter and walk faster, hugging my clipboard against my chest.

This is just a hospital, but only for the crazies. Nothing scary and life-threatening about it. I thought to myself.

I stop in front of the head of the hospital, Sir Kingsley. "Sir Kingsley" I greet him. Followed by a nod of his head, he greets me with the same professional approach. "Dr. Miller," he says. "do you know why I called you here?" he asks. "No, sir." I respond with sincerity.

"Behind this metal door," he points to the heavily bolted metal door behind him. "is the most complicated patient we ever had in this asylum. I need you to-" he looks straight into my eyes. "be in charge of her."

"Me?" I stare at him with disbelief. He gives me this look as if challenging me to question his authority. He turns his back to me as he unlocks the door to the room where the patient is being held. Grunting, he pushes the door open.


I gasp. The patient is all but a mere child- an innocent-looking child. She looks up and her big blue eyes fill with tears. She curls into a ball, her skinny arms wrap around her little body with her golden ringlets covering her face. Her feet are chained onto the wall. My heart breaks a little at the sight before me.

Sir Kingsley clears his throat. "Her name is Alice," he pauses. "Alice Esmund. She's 8 years old, lives with her father and older sister. She claims to visit a place called 'Wonderland' every night to see a white bunny, Cheshire Cat, Mr. Caterpillar, and Mad Hatter. She also claims the Mad Hatter to be controlling and will 'punish' her if she diso-" he coughs; his hand automatically curling into a fist to cover his mouth. "Pardon," he clears his throat. "As I was saying, Alice claimed the Mad Hatter to punish her if she disobeys. According to Alice, the Mad Hatter forced her into torturing and eventually killing her poor victims- little girls her age... Alice's case is very intriguing, isn't it?"

"I agree with your sir, but may I ask a question?"

He nods, giving me permission. "Since Alice's case is unique... different from all the other cases we've ever encountered, what will we call it?" I ask.

He hands me a manila folder and written at the front is- "Alice in Wonderland. I called her case 'Alice in Wonderland' just like the work of the brilliant author, Lewis Carroll."

He bids me goodbye then leaves. I open the folder and a picture falls out. I pick it up and realize that it is a mugshot of Alice, a big forced smile on her face that could have fooled anybody.

Suddenly, the atmosphere goes quiet. The banging fists and screams of the patients stop. I hear a loud bang then the room goes dark. I could hear chains rattling and childish grunts. I hear the chains snap and little footsteps shuffling around.

My eyes widen in realization. Alice broke free... all by herself.

The room does not feel so big anymore. I could feel the walls closing in and little hands grabbing me. I try to scream but my body seem to have stop functioning.

I close my eyes. Dear Lord, please save me. They say that at times like when you feel like you're trap, you pray. But dear God, is this actually true? Can praying save me if this was true?

Little hands push my back, forcing me to fall and land on my face. I try to get up but my body does not want to cooperate. The little hands pawing my body is now scratching my face, nails digging into my flesh. Tears fall down my face, mixing with the blood oozing out of my wounds. It stings so bad. 

My face goes numb as the world around me spins. I lose consciousness as the little hand clawing into my face feel softer and softer. And then... darkness.


I open my eyes- bright lights temporarily blinding me. I look around, confused, surveying my surroundings. I'm in a white room- the ceiling stretching towards the sky which seems never-ending. I try to get up, only to be held down by leather belts strapping me to the bed. I try to yell for help but I couldn't do it, I've been gagged. I try to wiggle free but the leather straps would not come undone. I try to unbuckle them. After a few grunts or so, I successfully unbuckle the strap. I rub my fingers together.

How odd. I thought to myself.

I bring my right hand in front of my face and I see something peculiar. Inside my fingernails is a strange red-beige jelly-like substance. I try to take it out of my nail. I brush my hand against my cheek and feel a sting. I put my hand in front of my face.

I scream.

The End

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