Beautiful Eyes (short story)

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So I would be really glad if you would repost this, changing characters names, some things about the story maybe or the P.O.V. You don't have to, just a thought.


I am suddenly alone, lost in a crowd larger than the sea. Not really. I lost my mother at the mall, and I am freaking out currently. She was supposed to meet me here fifteen minutes ago! Frantically, I look around, trying to find my now lost mother, but too scared to leave the rusty water fountain to go search in case she wanders over here. I look left, but only see strangers, and then right, and more strangers. As I go to walk around the fountain, I accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I squeal. I look up, and am met by the most beautiful pair of green eyes ever to blink. But at that moment, the stranger loses balance and wobbles into the fountain, creating a large splash. My t-shirt is soaked now, but what about the stranger? I look down, and see him sitting in the fountain, completely soaking wet.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" I cry, helping him out so no security guards have a chance to see. He shakes some water off, and smiles at me.

"It's okay, it was actually refreshing." His green eyes staring back at my pale blue ones. "I'm Reggie.."

"Oh, I'm Dea, it's short for Media. You have gorgeous eyes.." The stranger shook his hair, and loose water drops flew in every direction.

"Thanks, I sorta get that a lot. I've never heard the name media before..."


We sat on the fountain for what seemed like forever. I am still surprised that my mother hasn't bothered to show up, forty minutes late at our meeting spot. At least I'm in good company. Reggie and I have more in common than I thought we would. It turns out, he and I go to the same middle school, he is just a year older than I am.


A woman walked up to me from behind the fountain and stood in front of Reggie and I, hand on her hip and a very un-pleasant look on her face. I would now like to wish this was a fairy tale and I had super powers, because if it was, then she would be gone and my happy mom would be here, but it sadly isn't like that. The angry lady was my mom, and I don't have magical powers.

"Where have you been Dea? I have been looking for you for half an hour over there" she points to the other side of the fountain.

"Mom, I was right here, looking for you..."

All of a sudden, the walls turn black and holes tear open in the floor. Silently screaming people fall through the holes and disappear, and horror-movie music starts to play. And I can't find my mom.


My eyes flutter open to the shaking of my side. The first thing I see is the most gorgeous pair of green eyes ever, and realize that it was a dream..

"De, you okay? It sounded like you were having a nightmare." I smiled lazily, and thought of the dream I was awoken from, then laughed.

"If you want to call it that Reggie, I dreamt of us, the day we met. That was a good day, other than our clothes getting soaked."

"That's okay, I'm just happy I met you" he said, turning the bed-side lamp off and closing his eyes.

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