Joining the Akatsuki

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hey guys

okay everything you need to know about the Akatsukis is on the side (What they look like (Chibi) and their voice (with there voice actors on the side and it didn't have Konan)

"Do you know who i am, I am a Keiko...The Princess of Konoha."-Miyuki

When we got to the Akatsuki Hide out, all of the Akatsukis were lined one ready to meet me

Itachi: Look's like everyone here to meet you.

Kisami: lets start with a Introducing, I am Kisami and as you know this is Itachi

Itachi: Of course she knows......ok lets start *Points to Deidara*

Itachi pointed to a Man who looks just like Ino...He had long blonde hair that is up like Ino's, But the only different thing about him is his hand....they had Mouths with tongue on them.

Deidara: Hi, Im Deidara and i like art and clay

Itachi: Next

next up was a girl with purple hair and has a Paper flower on it

Konan: Hi there, im Konan and it's really nice to have another girl

the next person was weird, Like you can't see his face because it's covered with a Mask


Me: *Giggles*

the next person reminded me of Gaara because of his red hair and he looks nearly like him

Sasori: i am Sasori and i am a real puppet master (A/N i don't know what he really is but i know it got to do something with puppets)

Me: *Think* he looks just like Gaara....great that would make me disappointed

the next person looked creepy like you can't see his face aprt from his eyes

Kakuzu: Im Kakuzu, leave my money alone.......

the next guy was his face is two different colour and he has a Venus flytrap around his head.

Zetsu: i am Zetsu (A/N like i said before two faces, one of them is white and the other is black, the bold text is the black side talking)

the next guy has the same hair colour has me and his cloak is open so you can see his is halve naked (A/N Shirtless guys.....Shirtless....not the other halve naked)

Hidan: Hidan and i don't give a F**k of who you are

and last and not least this guy.

Pein: I am Pein.....called me Leader-sama

(A/N If i got any of these guys wrong please tell me)

Me: It nice too meet you all, now you guys might know me alright but i'll you about my self..................Hi im Miyuki Keiko and i amd the Princess of Konoha and sort of Suna and i can control elements without using Chakra

Deidara: so in other words..... your a Mage who is a ninja

Me:....So that's a way to call some one who controls Elements....Thanks er...crap i forgot sorry

Deidara: Deidara, yeah.

Me: Deidara...

Tobi: Tobi can't believe that your Here YAAAAY Tobi might have a new friend *Jumps up and down happily*

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