i save you because i love you

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Alvin pov.
Brittany it's SO WOW. Her body is perfect.

"Alvin....I need to tell you something" brittany said.

"Sure britt what's wrong?" i asked her.

She open her mouth but in the room enter Simon with a......a gun? WTF!?

He shot brittany and i start to cry.

"Alvin!" he said with an anger look.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's time to.......WAKE UP!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" i screamed.

"Alvin?are you alright?" Simon asked me.

"Wait! Everithing was just a dream?!?!?!?!"

"Well......YES!" Simon said with an sarcastis look.
I hate when he look at me în that way.

WE all decided to go to the shopping. Simon wasn't în THE good mood but i don't underestand why he doesn't care about me anymore.

He was about to go to other part of the street but a car was driving fast.

"SIMON! LOOK OUT!" the others screamed.

I don't want to look but i need to save my brother. I run to him and i push him off the street but i........get hit. I fall to the ground and everithing is getting dark.

Simon pov.
I walk on the street but i see a car driving crazy SO i start to panic. The others yelled my name and i close my eyes ready to die.

I fall to the ground but i didn't feel anything. The others come to me and help me to stand up.

"Simon are you okay?" jeanette asked me.

"Yea i think SO. Where's Alvin?" i asked them and i see brittany with tears în her eyes.

"Brittany? What's wrong?"

"Simon, look." she pointer me to the street and i was horrified. Alvin was lying to the ground with blood all around him.

"ALVIN!!!!" WE all screamed.

I took my phone and i call 911. The operator told me:"we'll Be there în 2 minutes."

I run to alvin and i check his breathig. He was breathig slow. I start to Be scared for his life.

I call Dave and i tell him everithing. He said he WILL Be at the Hospital în 30 minutes.

The ambulance arrived and put him in. The other's are coming with dave's car and i go with alvin.

WE arrived at the Hospital and the doctor took him to surgery room. I stand in the hall alone thinking about alvin and why he saved me.

The others came to me.

"Everithing is gonna Be alright Simon." jeanette said

"I know guys but why alvin saved my life?"

"Because he loves you Simon".

*after surgery*

The doctor came to us.

"The surgery was an succes. The little guy was very lucky."

"What are my brother doing right now?"

"The little guy is in this room sleeping. He need a long rest."

"Can i go to see him?"


I enter în THE room and i see alvin sleeping în an Hospital bed. I start to cry and i go to hugged his Little hand.

"He look so peacefuly" i tell this în my mind.

"Hi alvin it's me Simon. I don't have words about what happend. You saved my life. I can't belive you doing this. Anyway i have to thank you about all."

Aftet a few minutes i fall asleep near to alvin's bed.


I Heard my name and i slowly open my eyes. I look around but i didn't see anybody. I turn around and i see alvin looking at me.

"A-alvin? Are you alright?"

He nodded and i run to him and i hug him.

"Alvin i'm SO sorry because i was SO selfish to You!"

"Simon please don't cry. I'm fine and thanks for You apologie."

"You are my Hero alvin."

"Thanks Simon"

"Alvin i have a question for You"

"Sure ask me everithing."

"Why do You saved me alvin?"

"I saved you because i love You bro!"

(A/N: i Hope you like this chapter and i make next update tomowrow;))

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