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The massacure

In the late 1990s a couple and their son lived out in the country. Well it was a late Saturday night in June and through the constant reminders the mother have given the boy was running around with scissors. The mother stopped trying and kept Cutting up lettuce for a salad and he father was ironing his clothing so the boy stop. "Mommy play with me!" "No dear" "fine" he ran towards his mother and slashed a gash in her thigh. She screamed in agony and threw her hand back letting go of the knife. The knife fell into the giggling little boy who shrieked as it impaled it's self in his chest. The father ran over with anger in his eyes and hit the mother over the face with the iron killing her with the blow. Relizing what he had done he went to their shed and grabbed a rope and swung it up a tree and hung himself. The house has gone through many owners because all have been slashed with sissies whenever they were cutting SOMTHING up and others reported seeing a little boy with a twisted grin doing it. Some people say this little boy was a young Satan.

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