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never open the attic door

Not real story

We had a very old house dated back to the 1800s and lots of people died there.... My mom told me I could go everywhere but the attic so when I got the call that my mother died I had to look there it stated she died next to it. A week later I walked into our house it was strangely cold and rather odd to me. I walked up the creaky steps to the attic door......

 There I saw a little girl standing there she giggled and dissapered. I opened the attic door as slowly as possible. There was the scariest thing ever. Body's by the hundreds hanging by their throats covered in blood and in the corner and woman with no eyes she screamed at me and wailed I stumble and turn to run when I saw my mother. Her face a smile carved much like Jeff the killer. And the last words she said before attacking me were. "I told you not to go to the attic" 

So I lye here now writing this and I swear my hospital closet door just opened...... Guys what ever you do. Never ever open something your parents never tell you to because my mom is right over me this is the last of me guys. Always listen to your parents.......


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