Chapter Three

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Hai nekos! Hope you're having an amazing day <3 If you are, in so glad! As if you aren't, I'm sorry dear it'll get better, I promise <3 HERES chapter three, I hope you like it! -Dorkyneko

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Please.. Nagisa.."

My voice was weak, and barely audible.

It sounded like a weary whisper, just flailing around in utter darkness.

"Nagisa, please!"

I looked everywhere. I turned my head left and right, but all I was met with was utter darkness.

Where was I?

Where am I?

Where is Nagisa?

Is he safe?

Is he alright?

All these thoughts made me panic.

I tried to move my body, but I couldn't..

It hurt so badly to move.

Why did it hurt so much?

"I think she's waking up!"

That voice..

Who was that?

Why did they know me?

And what did they mean by 'waking up'?

Am I not awake?

I felt my eyelids begin to stir as they were met with a bright light, causing me to groan in displeasure.

"Don't move around so much, it'll hurt."

Who was that?

And why were they with me?

Where was Nagisa?

I felt my eyelids grow heavy once more as I shut them, fading into darkness once more.

"It's been three months!"

"Do you really think she's going to survive?"

"She might.. She seems to fight pretty strongly!"

All these words rang through my ears as I felt my eyelids open with ease, my (e/c) roaming around my surroundings.

The walls were a plain white..

And there was only one window.

My head tilted to the right slightly, and my eyes landed on the bright moon.

It must be night..


Am I..

Am I in the hospital?

"We interrupt this program to bring you the new update on the case of Missing Nagisa."


Where was he?

"There was little evidence of him being missing, finding a knife that once belonged to him. We have no other current clues that he may or might not be alive."


Where are you?

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