Chapter 1

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~Angel's Pov.~

"Seriously Aubrey. seriously?" I said with a poker face while looking at Aubrey.

"Well, yeah. I'm serious as you can see." Aubrey said then roll her eyes. psh..

"That's your AMAZING plan tonight?" I said putting air quote on the amazing.

"Hey guysss!!" Someone said behind us. I turn around and saw yeddah, Angela and berna holding their bags.

"Hey." I plainy said. I'm not in the mood right now to be gullible.

"hi girls." Aubrey said waving her hand. I mouthed a 'I gotta go look.' to them and went to my car.

~Yeddah's Pov.~

"What's with moddy pants?" I said looking at angel's car slowly disappearing from our sight.

"I don't know. I was talking to her and then she became pissed. Maybe I said something wrong?" Aubrey worriedly said while looking at us.

"Don't worry. She's always like that." Berna said.

"Oh... okay.. so library?" Aubrey ask.

"Yeah. let's go." Riza said holding her books.

"We have searching to do." I said and we went to the library.

Your wondering why did angel went somewhere and we still have to search. well I guess she use that Marcel guy to do her assignment as always. She don't really want to study. Know what her motto is? 'School sucks, Angel rocks' (HAHAHA, That's my motto. ;) I'm angel though. haha.)

"So.. what are we searching for?" Berna said sitting down and putting her books on the table.

"The definition of why angel is always moody and angry." Aubrey said laughing.

"Ha-ha. very funny. I'm serious." Berna said.

"Page 70." I said turning the pages. They nod and turn the pages too.

"This?" Riza said with wide eyes.

"Yep." I said.

"This whole page?!" The girls said.

"SHHHHH. this is a library not a screaming contest." The librarian said looking at us.

"Well.... we have searching to do." Aubrey said and flip the pages.

After how many hours.. we finished our homework.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Shit! its 6:00!! Let's go girls!!" Aubrey said running out the school.

We followed her and use our own cars to drive somewhere,

~Angel's Pov.~

From: Yeds

Go here now. You know where we are. PS, bring your piano.

What? Bring my piano? How do I do that?

To: Yeds

Are you on drugs? How do I carry the piano its freaking heavy.

From: Yeds

Just do something. FASTER. PS, Use your freaking car.

I rolled my eyes because she's right. Haha. I wonder if Marcel did my assignment. I shrugged and use my car ofcourse as yeddah said.. i beouht my piano and went where the girls are.


It's just a filler guys.. So.. please spread the story. :) 

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