omg thanks so much for reading my story.
I'm sorry for not writing yesterday.. I was too happy, I have tickets for the where we are tour ;D and how about you all... are you going too?
I'm gonna try to make a long chappiee so have fun
xx meee.
-Louis' pov-
I'm on my way to Harry and Niall. I heard Niall puking when I was calling with Harry so I'm a kind of worried. Harry wasn't relaxed at all, so I have to hurry. Over 1 minute I'm there.
"Omg Louis you're here" Harry says. His eyes are red and the tears are still streaming.
"Harry, come here" I say. I hug Harry. My shirt is wet from his tears.
"Niall..he is.. he look so bad.. it's.. we need a doctor Louis" Harry cries.
I walk with Harry to the living room, Niall is laying on the couch.
Wow, Harry was right, Niall looks bad.
He's looks really white and tired.
"Louis do something" Harry says softly.
"Harry go call a doctor, I'm gonna wash Niall, or would you wash Niall that I call the doctor" I ask.
"I'm gonna.. wash Niall" he answers.
I nod.
I grab the phone and call the doctor.
"Hi with Louis Tomlinson, my friend is really sick, he's puking the whole time and looks really bad, you have to come" I say.
"Okay, where do you live?" the doctor asks.
"Applestreet 24" I answer.
"Okay, I'm coming" he says.
I walk back to the living room. Harry is still washing Niall. Niall's clothes where full of puke, it was really nasty.
Niall and Harry are coming back. Niall is wearing an old t shirt of Harry.
I have to say that he looks really good and cute in that shirt.
"The doctor is on his way" I say.
"Okay good" Harry says "Niall go lay down please".
Niall nods. He haven't said a word since I'm here. Maybe he's mad at me. But what have I done? Is it because I left yesterday?
No that can't be, he looked so happy yesterday, probably he was happy he was allowed to sleep with Harry.
"Louis" Harry says.
"Yes, what's up" I answer.
"Niall wants you to come" he says, or whisper..
"Okay, thanks" I say.

We are one ( Narry Storan )
FanfictionFriends.. or lovers. Best friends.. or lovers. Best friends.. or enemies. We all have that one friend who is more special then others but.. what if you really love him..?