Part 7

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*Clear Prv*
I woke up at the morning and and turned to my clock "Shit!!" i said to myself as i get out of the bed so fast
"im so late!!" i start getting dressed so quickly and i went to the kitchen where i found everyone is up except one person "The sleepy head" as harry call her always i know u are wondering why i didn't say Mr the thing is that he hates that word and he thought that when someone call him Mr he feels as if he is an old men hhhhhh xD anyway i went to them
Me: morning
Them: morning
All of them says in one voice makes me smiles
Me: im sorry i could prepare the breakfast today
El: its ok actually i love making breakfast
Me: ok great then
I sit and after couple minutes Sam cames so harry put the chair out for her wawaw what a gentle men
We keep eating and the boys were talking about football yeeeeyy favorite thing ever
Z: so this question is for harry..... Who is the swedish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Manchester United?
Ha: um i don't know
Me: Its Zlatan ibrahimović right?
Z: yeah right good answer girl!!
The whole boys were shocked at first and i don't blame them i mean i dont seem so attractive to football but that doesn't that i ignore it and Harry asked me to join their conversation and i agree ofc hhhhhh

im Yours until the endحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن