Chapter One

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I smiled at the blonde girl in the mirror as i buttoned up my levi jeans and slipped on my nike sneakers. I pulled on a plain white tee-shirt and headed downstairs in one of the best moods i had ever been in.

"....slave has escaped from nothern plantation. Please report and information to local  authorites...."Thats all i heard before my dad switched off the T.V. as I marched down the stairs

"Mornin'!" i smiled at him and give a big ol' bear hug.

He smiles and ruffles my hair " Hey Kiddo"

I groan and slap his hand away.



"Do you know how long it took my to do my hair this morning?"

He snickered" Get to school kid,don't want to be late again"

With that,i was off and out the door,i waved back at my dad as i closed the door behind me.

                                                             .        .        .

 I covered my eyes when I saw the sun.

For the first time in the last few hours I had stopped running and took a breathe.I look around me taking in my surrounding.

I smiled to myself and sat down in the dirt, my slave uniform was no more then dirty rags now.

I'm safe I thought to myself I'm safe for now.

The sirens had stopped more then 3 hours ago,but i had kept running incase they were still following me.

I Paused.

Where am i? the thought coursed through my head as my breathing slowed.

I stood up and peeked through the bushed, to see i in a small town.People walked past unaware i was there.

I had escaped. But to where?I didn't have anywhere to go,unlike most slaves I had gotten away.

But where was Isupposed to go now that I was free?There were clearly going to be warrant out for my capture.

I took a step back from the bushes and tried to come up with a plan,something to keep myself from being caught. Staying out with the open was out of question what?

I peeked through the bushes again.

                                                         .          .          .

I whistled while i scooted down the sidewalk to school,I was only halfway through the school year and the major tests were on their way.

But i was ready.

I had studied almost everyday since school started.It was a pain but I was passing at the top of my class.I looked around,observing every little thing,i did that a lot. Considering i have an eagles eye.

Everything was normal,the same as usual, nothing new.

But that's when I saw her,the black girl in the bushed. I was shocked,the last thing i expected to see was her.What is she doing?!

Suddenly her eyes met mine and i saw her jump and duck behind the bushed.

I had seen her, now it was my choice whether to turn her in or not.


Lol hi guys this is just a growing idea and i have no idea whatsoever if this is good or not!

Please comment and maybe give ideas of how i can make the story better

Thanks for your support!

 XxXxXxXx AnnabelleDreammer77

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