One Direction- Tour Plot #2

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The boys and their girlfriends are touring around Europe together and are having a lot of fun visiting places as couples. But when drama starts to break out amongst the group will things start to go wrong and ruin the trip or will they be able to sort things out and get everything back on track? 

Harry and Harrys GF: (Girlfriends Name) is 7 months pregnant with twins and is preparing to have her's and Harry's babies. They are really exited (and are a little scared) about everything and are just hoping that the babies are delivered safely. So when Harry hears about having to go on tour he is scared that he'll miss the birth and quickly tries organising something with management to get (Girlfriends Name) on tour. Though everyone is a little hesitant to have (Girlfriends Name) along management works everything out and before long they are on the road. The second concert and things are starting to look bad. Not only is Harry to busy worrying about (Girlfriends Name) to concentrate on his job, but (Girlfriends Name) is starting to get worse and worse. So what happens when (Girlfriends Name) water breaks at the concert and she is rushed to hospital? Will everything be okay? Or is this just the start of the problem? 

Niall and Niall's GF: (Girlfriends Name) and Niall are the closest out of all the couples. They always have been and so when Niall hears that Harry is bringing (Harry's Girlfriends Name) along he begs management to let (Girlfriends Name) join him on tour. They agree to keep Niall happy and quickly leave from London to tour Europe. On the second day Niall heads out to get food with a couple of the other boys and their girlfriends, leaving (Girlfriends Name) and Louis alone in the hotel. They end up watching a movie and without thinking Louis kisses (Girlfriends Name). (Girlfriends Name) gets caught up in the moment and kisses back which leads to an intense make out session. They soon break apart and realise what they've both done is wrong but choose to keep it a secret from everyone. But what happens when (Girlfriends Name) feels guilty and Niall ends up finding out. Will Niall let it go? Or will the tour be over before it starts?! 

Louis and Louis's GF: Louis an (Girlfriends Name) have known each other and have been dating since the start of high school. So on the first night of the tour Louis proposes to her on stage. She gladly accepts and is exited to be engaged to her childhood sweet heart. The next day however when she goes out with the others Louis gets caught up in the moment and kisses (Niall's Girlfriends Name). When Louis realises what he's done he quickly decides to keep it a secret from (Girlfriends Name), but when (Niall's Girlfriends Name) feels guilty and lets it out (Girlfriends Name) goes crazy! She calls off the engagement and locks herself in her hotel room to cry. Louis eventually finds a way to talk to her and tells her it was (Niall's Girlfriends Name) who kissed him. This makes (Girlfriends Name) furious and she gets in a huge argument with (Niall's Girlfriends Name) before the concert! But will things be sorted out? Will (Girlfriends Name) ever find out that Louis instigated the kiss? 

Liam and Liam's GF: Liam has seen (Girlfriends Name) being hit on numerous times and being the newest couple of the five he is starting to worry about their status. He argues with management to get (Girlfriends Name) on tour, not trusting her to be home with another guy. Management agree to let her come along and on the second day of the tour Liam is already thinking that it was a bad idea, especially after going out and seeing another guy flirting with her (she doesn't flirt back but she doesn't stop him). When Liam gets back to the hotel he's annoyed beyond belief and is just about ready to send (Girlfriends Name) home and dump her. Thats until he over hears he and (Harry's Girlfriends Name) and (Girlfriends Name) talking about how insecure (Girlfriends Name) feels dating someone as famous as Liam. He hears then talk  about how (Girlfriends Name) is just preparing to move on if she's not good enough for Liam. Liam feels terrible and when (Girlfriends Name) leaves her room he goes and tries to cheer her up. Something he doesn't know is that since some fans have been hating she has been self harming (not just cutting be creative you know bulimia, burning google it if you stuck for ideas... cutting is just used a lot in chatzys) and its starting to show. Will Liam be able to find out and stop the hate? Or will (Girlfriends Name) call it off? 

Zayn and Zayns GF: (Girlfriends Name) almost has no choice but to come on tour with the boys. She had to get away from her Ex boyfriend who had been hurting her (mentally or physically boths good for drama that is not in real!) and what better way to do it than to go on tour with her best friend Zayn. They have known each other so long and Zayn has known about the abuse for a long time, so when (Girlfriends Name) had no where else to go he was happy to offer her a place on tour. He tries to be there for her as much as he can but little does she know that Zayn likes her a lot! Of corse Zayn being the gentleman he is, he keeps his distance and lets her recover. On the second day of the tour (Girlfriends Name) gets a call from her Ex who like the (excuse me I'm Aussie and if I'm not on Wattpad I swear like a fucking sailor) asshole he is abuses her over the phone and makes her feel worse than ever! Zayn comforts her and in the heat of the moment kisses her. But will this lead to something? Or will (Girlfriends Name) not be ready for another relationship? 

Niall and Louis should read each others plots as well as their girlfriends, also Harry's and Liam's girlfriends interact at some point to so read each others plots. Start on the second day of the tour waking up in the hotel (in lets say Sweden) then all the drama in each plot will happen some time that day. Just have fun, make drama and do whatever you want with it! <3 Enjoy  

ALSO For anyone wondering my birthday was amazeballs and I'm seeing 1D in two day!! OMMFG! <3

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