It has been years and years since Andreea and Emma didn t see eachother.One day,Emma came in England again.She wanted to make a surprise for Andreea so she didn t texted her.Emma whispers to herself:"I am here...Andreea s house..WOAH !This town changed a lot!I didn t been here since i was 14...".She knocked on her door saying:" there?Its me ..Emma ...your old best friend..!"
Andreea comes out:
Andreea:Emma?!Its that you?!
Emma:Yes Andreea its me ..
They huged eachother very hard:
Andreea:Emma,come in!
They started talking...
So, the 2 best friends didn t separate ever again and lived happily ever after.
Two Best Friends...
AdventureThis book is about 2 best friends.How would you feel without a B.F.F? REMEMBER:It doesn t matter if u have a B.F.F ...