Dear ????

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Dear ????,

I haven't been perfect by far, but I still love you and always will. The truth is, I'm leaving you forever, and though you haven't known me for long, I will always hold you in the highest regards. Was it really that long ago I stole your hat? That felt nice, just being with you. You were always too perfect for me. I don't know where we stand, but I love spending time with you in any way. It was nice just joking with you. You had this huge smile, and that's how I knew I loved you.

You are always going to be my one and only. I'm not perfect for you, but do I have to be? You were so sweet in fifth grade, but now, I can't even tell you how I feel or how I fell in love with you. What you and I have will be ancient forever. People killed to be your friend, and I just stood there wanting you. I didn't want to be your friend, I wanted to be able to love, and unknowingly, you have taught me how to.

But baby I love you, and it will take so much to make me let that memory go, I never want to. I want to remember you forever and always replay that moment when I first grabbed your hand on Dessert Night.

Leigha Moore

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