Cheeseburgers. Cause Cheeseburgers are cool

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Another tag kids!
This time it was MyInkyMadness
Btw go check her out cause she's awesome, aren't you Kat?
I thought so ;)
'Nough talk. Let's do business.

- You have to write ALL the rules!
- You have to answer 13 of my questions (not mine mine , kat's. Answering my own question'd get quite depressing) and create 13 more for others to answer
- You have to complete this challenge within 7 days ( check)
- Once you have completed it you have to tag 13 more people ( why 13? Why not 42? Uh answering 42 questions... CREATE 42 questions! Never mind , 13 is fine! Uuuh love 13!)
- You can tag the person who tagged you back
- You have to give this a creative title

LE Questions:
1. Can you choose one word that describes you best?

2. Are kids cute or annoying?
Cutely annoying :)
Now for real, it depends on how old they are.
1-5: cute
6-11: annoying

3. What's the Craziest thing you've ever done?
Ooh that's hard.... But getting trampled by a sheep, desiccate dead mice on a pure scientific interest, learning how to surf and trying to change my brother's diapers without touching them are somewhere in the top five.

4. Do you have any pets/ have you had any? (If you want, what are their names?)
Yeah, I've got a golden retriever , his name's Gil, but you say it Jill.
Also, I once had two fishes : one was called Bazooka and the other Brandy ;)

5. Can you read this?
Of course, I am awesomely talented ;)

6. If you could dye your hair any color what would you choose?
Blue maybe, but it'd be cool to be blonde too ;)

7. Complete this sentence : Justin Bieber is...
.... The reason we're all mad here
..... A Neanderthal or at least he walks like one
.... A disappointment to the Canadian race
.... That thing over there

8. What's your favorite school subject?

9. Most embarrassing thing you / someone you know has ever done?
Well, there was this time my fourth grade best friend and I once hide in the boys bathroom to do our homework and then go play. But then a teacher entered the bathroom and while my buddy talked with him, hoping that he'd leave, I had to pretend I was a boy who was peeing.
So. Yeah.

10. If you could have any pet, what would it be?

11 Are Unicorns real?
Sure, although pegasi are cooler

12. Do you have a celebrity crush? Who?

13. If you woke up in your dad/mom's body what would be the first thing you would do?
Have breakfast.
Yeah I'm basic that way.

My questions now!

1. What's your secret weapon?

2. Hogwarts house?

3. If you could have lived anytime in history, when would it be?

4. You can create a speacial holiday. When is it and what is it about? (e.g. 21st April, Unicorn Day, when people take their unicorns to the movies and participate in an unicorn parade)

5. What's the first thing you notice when meeting someone for the first time?

6. Do you read newspapers?

7. Favorite music lyrics?

8. Cake or Cookies?

9. Would you rather have telepathic or telekinectic powers?

10. Pegasi or Unicorns?
(Pegasi ftw!!)

11. Favorite smell?

12. Godly Parent?

13. What's the name you absolutely WOULDN'T give your kids? (boy and girl)

*maniacal laugh*
I'm done now.
Oh wait, I'm not.
*maniacal laugh*














Well, I'm done now.
For real.

<Jamie out>

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