{3} The News Report

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Floor was here to pick me up, but I can't find my phone!

Crap, wheres my phone? How could I lose my precious phone?!"

After running around for it I found it under my cat, Mixco.

"Love you Mixco" I said, kissing his head.

I went out the door and saw Floor, waiting for me in his car.

I waved to him and got in shotgun.

"Hey cutie, ready to go?"

"Yes! Drive faster. I wanna see if the bixes got the syrup out of there hair" I said, slamming the door shut.

He chuckled and slammed his foot onto the gas pedal, lurching the car forward.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after about 20 seconds.

"No, don't you start that" Floor said.

I smirked. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

"Dawson I swear!" He said, driving faster.

I jumped out of the car, not bothering to wait until it stopped.

"Meet me at the quad in 3!" I said to Floor before jumping out. I tucked and rolled, getting up to go find Zoey.

"Zoey!" I yelled running through the hallways. "Zoey!"

Instead of finding Zoey, I found someone utterly annoying.

"Fink?" I said, stopping in my tracks. "Get out of the way!"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. "Why in such a rush?"

I groaned and pushed on his chest. "Move! Let me go!"

"Come on baby, we could fix this" he said, his grip tightening.

"We broke up, let it go jackass!" I said, pushing his chest.

"Make me"  he said.

I balled my hand up into a fist, punching him square in the nose.

He let go of me to rub his nose. "Ow!" he yelled, holding his nose. "I'm bleeding!"

"Good!" I yelled, running off. "Zoey!"

I ran out into the quad. I saw Floor, Zoey and Ryder, talking and huddled around Zoey's phone.

"Sorry for the delay" I said, jogging over to them. "Ex-boyfriend troubles what happened?"

"Well, our videos gone viral" Ryder said.

"I know" I said. "Is that what your looking at?"

"Surprisingly, no" Zoey said. "Look at this."

She gave her phone to me, there was an article with a video at the top of it.

"Since when do you read?" I asked, looking at her.

"Just watch the video" she said.

I clicked on it. A little news lady came up.

"Attention everyone,  we have a certain breech from a *static*."

"Um, your phones staticing" I said, pointing to it.

"It's part of the thing, keep watching" she said. I turned my attention back to it.

"Apparently a *static* came in from *static* in *static i-i-i-i-i-i *black screen*"

"Oh god" I said. "What happened?"

I heard a scream come from the phone, I threw it back to Zoey.

"What was that?!" I said.

"Keep watching" she said, handing it back to me.

The screen was still black, static was starting to come back to it, maybe the lady will come back?

Oh boy was I wrong.

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