Queen Bee and Jade Turtle: Part Twenty-Eight

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Queen Bee flew at her top speed. "I can get her. I can get her. I can get her."

Suddenly, chains came out of nowhere and constricted themselves around Queen Bee. Not enough to choke her, but enough to immobilize her.

"Queen Bee, stop!" Volpina shouted.

"I- I can't!" She struggled wildly against the chains. "She's getting away, I need to save her!"

"Bee, you're started to sound like Assaultress." Volpina spoke softly.

Queen Bee stopped struggling against the chains, looking deflated of her previous energy because of Volpina's words. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Volpina swiped her hands through the chains, making them disappear. "I do. It's the same thing I felt when I heard Nino was involved. I strong desire to help the ones you care most about." She paused. "But it's not always a good instinct to follow. Look what happened to me; I got ambushed, caught, and placed in a position where I was helpless to save him."

Queen Bee faced Volpina. "We're going to need her, though. To stop Hawkmoth. She's the only one who knows where he is."

"I know." Volpina sighed. "But save it for another day, Chloè. Go home, get some rest."

"Okay, I will. What are you gonna do?"

"I'm making sure someone can uphold their promise."


"How long has this been happening?"

It was almost midnight. Alya and Nino had met up in the Square Renè Viviani to talk about everything. Alya had found Nino sitting silently on a bench, with a bag stuffed full of things next to him.

Nino inhaled a shaky breath. "As long as I could remember. My parents had me before they got married. Once they did... My Dad became a monster."

"And your mom?"

"An alcoholic whenever he wasn't watching. When he was, she was just a coward."

Alya remained silent for a moment. "Nino." She placed a hand on his leg. "You've been so brave today. When I was out of it earlier, I could feel Assaultress's power wavering. I could hear you standing up to her. You need to be strong again, Nino." She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone. "Call them. Social Services, 112, whatever. I can't let you let this continue. You deserve so much better, Nino."

Nino hesitantly took the phone into his shaking hands. He dialed a number and called it.

After a few minutes explaining the situation to the social worker, the worker had promised they would get right on this before hanging up on Nino.

Nino gave Alya her phone back. "I should've done this before-" His voice broke as he choked on his words. "I was just scared." Nino broke down, sobbing. Raw emotion and streams of tears flowed from him, and Alya's heart yearned to help him.

She moved forward and gripped Nino in a tight embrace. He hugged her back, trying to control his endless sobbing.

"Don't." Alya knew what he was doing. "Don't force back the tears, just let it all out. It's okay, I'm here. And I'm never leaving you."

Nino hugged her even tighter, and even though it hurt a little, it could in no way match her relief that Nino was finally safe.

Alya gently pulled away from the hug and became face-to-face with Nino. "You know, you can stay at my place if you don't have anywhere to go." Alya smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much." Nino smiled back to her and wiped away his previous tears.

"Come on, let's go." Alya stood up. "It's getting late, and we still have school tomorrow."

Nino stood up with her. Their hands were intertwined during the walk back to Alya's house.

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