Searched For You (Nakahara Chuuya)

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Request from A_Lost_Memory!! I loved writing this story! Please enjoy :)))

Few days ago when Chuuya was walking through the city streets just for a stroll, he found an absolutely stunning young lady. Who was that lady? You, of course. He caught a glimpse of you through the tall heads of people on the other side of the crossing road when he was waiting for the lights to turn green. When the lights finally turned green, he kept a close eye on you, but tried not to stare. It became to the point where his mind was filled with you too much, that he turned his head just to look at the back of your head, slowly fading away. Until something hit his forehead.

"OW! SHIT!!" he cursed loudly, rubbing his head from the impact of the traffic light pole, getting strange looks from people. He cleared his throat, a slight blush forming on his cheeks as he walked away like nothing happened. But he just couldn't help to just look at the other side of the streets again to look for you and you were there. You were standing in front of a small jewelry shop for quite some time...

It was the next day again and Chuuya strode to the exact same place where he met you. He remembered about the jewelry shop you were standing at for a long time and he casually leaned against the wall, pretending to look on his phone while he was patiently waiting for you to arrive.

It's finally been 30 minutes and Chuuya saw a figure standing near him in the corner of his eye. He peered up and it was you! Chuuya couldn't believe that he would possibly meet you again! He had called in a fate. You were staring intensely at a certain accessory from the window of the jewelry shop like you were having a staring contest with it, your nose wrinkled as you let out a heavy sigh. You noticed that someone was looking at you for a very long time and you saw a man with orange hair and a hat. You smiled warmly at him as you headed into the shop. 

Chuuya's face instantly turned bright red like a tomato as he shifted his eyes on his phone quickly as possible. 'Holy shit.... She was so goregeous...' Chuuya peeked through the window to see you again in the shop. He decided to go in as he glanced around the shop, trying his best to act normal. Of course you didn't notice the short man at all because you were too busy admiring the necklace in front of you.

"How may I help you miss?" The store manager lady asked you kindly with a welcoming smile.

"Oh, I'm fine for now, thank you though..." You smiled for a second, but your smile quickly faded away into a small frown.

"Is there something wrong, miss?" the lady asked you.

You sighed once more. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something... My ex-boyfriend was about to give me this necklace that I really wanted for our anniversary, but I caught him cheating on me..."

Chuuya's ears perked up as he inched his way closer to you as possible, to hear what kind of a jerk cheats on you.

"Well, I'm very sorry about that. That must have been terrible for you..." the lady said, sympathetically.

You nod, but shook the feeling away and put back your bright smile again. "I gotta be going now. See you!" You waved goodbye at the lady as you walked out the door. Chuuya watched the back of your head again, wearing a worried expression.

Once again, Chuuya arrived at the same place, same time. He was begging to see you again because he didn't want to be a stalker, (although he technically already is) he wanted to talk to you and get to know you. But he was just too shy.

It's been almost an hour and you still haven't arrived at the jewelry shop and Chuuya was getting a little impatient. So he decided to cross the road again, hoping he would see you on the other side of the street. As he walked through the crowd that was bustling with people he finally saw you.

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