Untitled Part 1

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  Dan laid flat on his bed, eyes squeezed shut and breath shallow. He was having a nightmare. He was running, running away from something terrifying. Whatever it was would destroy him if it got its hands on him, so he bolted on and on. He saw something in the distance, a shadow figure of a human. He couldn't make out who it was. As his galloping legs drew nearer, he saw that it was Phil. He sprinted onward, towards the outstretched arms of his lover and best friend. He glanced behind him to see if he was still being chased. What he saw curdled his blood and shook his bones. It was Phil; but it wasn't, really. This depiction had blood red eyes and sharpened teeth, his beautiful shaggy black hair matted with dirt and what appeared to be human flesh. He turned his eyes away and looked ahead, where the Phil he knew had been moments before. What used to be Phil was now just a black shadow, slowly fading into oblivion. Dan kept on running, running away from the monster version of his boyfriend. He was bound to find some sort of boundary or wall at some point.

Just as that thought crossed his dream brain, his sleeping body flailed and struck the side of his nightstand, waking him immediately.

"Phil!" he cried out, panting. Phil had been up late editing, and hadn't come to bed yet. Dan heard a shuffling from what used to be his bedroom, now anointed the editing room. Phil came bursting through the door.

"Dan? Are you alright?" Phil asked worriedly. He sat at the edge of the bed, to the right of Dan's slumped form.

Dan took a deep breath and whispered, "I had a nightmare..."

Phil whimpered in sympathy, wrapping his left arm around Dan's body. He grabbed Dan's cheek with his right hand, placing Dan's head on his shoulder and kissing the top of his hair softly.

"It'll be alright. You're safe now, I've got you."

Dan placed his left hand on Phil's knee and sighed. "Thanks," he muttered, snuggling closer to the dark haired man. "Can you come to bed now? I don't want to sleep alone."

"Sure." Phil smiled. He looked into Dan's soft brown eyes. "I'll finish up this video and be in in a minute."

Dan watched Phil as he walked back down the hall. Twenty seconds ago he had been a mess, but that Amazing Phil had calmed him down immediately. I can't believe how lucky I am, Dan thought as he crawled back under Phil's green and blue duvet. He sighed happily and waited for Phil to come back.  

Dan heard his Mac computer powering down, followed by the soft footsteps of his lanky boyfriend. He shifted to the right side of the bed to make room for Phil as he walked into the bedroom. Phil removed his shirt and pants, leaving his boxers on to match Dan's state of undress. He pulled back the duvet and snuggled in next to his boyfriend. Dan's head came to lie on his chest, and he wrapped his arm across Dan's shoulders so he felt secure.

"No more nightmares, alright?" Phil whispered softly into Dan's hair.

Dan "mhmm"ed softly and buried his head deeper into Phil's warm chest. He crossed his right leg over Phil's own two and sighed contently. "I love you," he spoke into the darkened silence.

"I love you too, Bear. Goodnight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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