Chapter Two- The First Job...

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It was a week after Cora joined the Fairy Tail guild. She now had her first job to do, she asked Gajeel if he could come with her to do the job.

"Gajeel! Get your lazy ass over here!" Cora demanded.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to help me with this job!" Cora showed Gajeel the flyer.

"Ppsshhh....fiiiinnnne......but only if I get at least half of it."

"Ok then, looks like I got my first job to do!"

"What is the job anyway?" Gajeel asked.

"Did you not even read the flyer?...."


-Cora sighs-

"I'm only gonna show you one more time!" Cora stuck the flyer in Gajeel's face.

Gajeel snatched the flyer out of Cora's hands and read it. "Oh so it's just to slay this uh..wait what even is this thing?!"

"It's not a thing! It's a goblin!" Cora shouted at her brother.

"So how does it feel to be apart of Fairy Tail?" Gajeel asked his sister.

"'s good so far...I'm just amazed at how you're here.... I know you're my brother in all but.... Why did you join Fairy Tail?...I joined because I heard that they were the strongest guild around." Cora said.

"I joined Fairy Tail because I had nowhere else to go and I heard that one of my fellow members from my previous guild joined it." Gajeel replied.

Gajeel and Cora took their exceeds Panther Lily and Luna. Panther Lily had a sword that could change its length while Luna had two katanas.

They all arrived at the place where they had to fight the goblin.

Le time skip to the next day

"Hey Gajeel! Can I talk to you for a second?" Natsu asked Gajeel from across the guild hall.

Gajeel made his way toward Natsu.

"So I noticed that you and Cora have things in common...both of you have that long black layered hair and the same kinda attitude." Natsu said to Gajeel.

Gajeel looked at Natsu hesitantly and said, "W-what makes you say that?!"

"Well I figured you two were like brother and sister or somethin...."

"W-WE'RE CLEARY NOT!!!" Gajeel slapped Natsu.

Gajeel went back to where he was sitting before and put his head on the table....

Gajeel's mind :

I don't know how Cora and I will keep this up....I wonder if anyone knows that we're related....?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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