Chapter 9

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I still sat in the bedroom by myself until Paul arrived. When I heard the doorbell, I quickly wiped away my tears and rushed to the door. As soon as I let Paul in, he rushed to Niall, who currently lay on the couch. He gently hit Niall on the face to try and wake him up.

"Niall?! Niall wake up!" Paul yelled into his ear.

Niall opened one eye sleepily. "Go away." He groggily spoke.

"We need to take him to hospital! Natalie help me lift him." Paul demanded.

"Nah I'm fine... I'm just tired." Niall spoke as if he were drunk, but if he was drunk the situation would be a little bit more humorous. Niall flopped over Paul's shoulder as he left through the front door.

I hurriedly closed it and locked it. I drove to the hospital while Niall laid his head on Paul's lap in the back seats.

"Hurry up Natalie! We're losing him!" Paul yelled as he felt his pulse.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I whispered under my breath as I was made to stop at traffic lights. "Screw this!" I yelled and quickly slammed on the acceleration. I got to the hospital in the nick of time.

Paul and I quickly ran in, holding Niall in my arms. I rushed to the emergency centre and lay Niall on a bed. "Nurse! Nurse!" Paul yelled loudly.

Unfortunately the nurse that walked in was a directioner. She was about 20 with light blonde hair. "Oh. My. God." She said loudly fangirling. "That's Niall Horan!" She screamed.

"Please stop! He is in need of serious treatment!" I yelled at her and she stopped abruptly.

"Susan!" She called. Another nurse rushed in and began taking tests on Niall while the younger nurse watched intently.

I walked in the room to see Niall after a few hours of excruciatingly long waiting. "Niall!" I yelled in happiness as I saw my boyfriend, sitting up in his bed. "Are you ok?!" I asked frantically as I looked down at his bandaged arms.

"Thanks to you." He kissed my hand softly. I didn't know the nurses had told him that I donated the blood. "Now you can be inside of me all the time" Niall said, making me giggle.

"C'mon. Lets go home." I whispered to him. When I arrived home Paul went to bed in the guest room, leaving me and Niall alone.

"Thank you." Niall spoke out of the blue.

"Well what was I supposed to do? Let you have someone else's blood inside of you? I don't think so!" I laughed.

"Not just for that... For everything." Niall smiled and kissed me deeply.

The next morning I went for a run with Molly, as usual. But before I left I gave Paul some instructions. "Watch him Paul. Watch him very closely." I whispered in his ear, as Niall, oblivious to what as going on around him, played a video game.

"You have my word." Paul whispered back as he closed the door behind me. I ran with Molly for about an hour as usual, but this time I noticed something not quite right in our surroundings. I stopped jogging abruptly.

"Nat? What's wrong?" Molly asked suspiciously.

Something, I didn't know what, but something, seemed so familiar, yet so out of place. I scanned the people in the park until I came across a muscular man who was facing away from me. Something about him was just so...

"Natalie?" Molly asked again, breaking my thoughts.

"Sorry... Um... Yeah. I'm fine." I laughed and we continued jogging. I pretended nothing was wrong, but the whole time, I felt like someone was watching me.


"NIIIIALL! I'M HOOMMEE!" I yelled loudly.

I walked in and noticed a note from Paul on the fridge saying 'I've just gone to the shops to get some milk. Won't be long! -Paul' I suddenly began to worry about where Niall was.

"NIIIIALL!" I yelled again, nervously. To my relief Niall came rushing out of a room and hugged me. I quickly pushed him off and checked his wrists for any fresh cuts. There were none.

"I'm fine Nat. It was just a mood swing." He said and kissed me passionately. We were still kissing when we pulled out at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Chloe, stood in the bathroom doorway.

"What's she doing here?" I asked with a glare at her.

Niall began to speak but Chloe cut him off. "I've come to apologize." She said quietly, not looking at me.

"Niall could you please leave." I smiled weakly, when he pouted at me. "Please?" You asked sweetly.

"Alright." Niall kissed me on the cheek and slunk out of the room.

"Natalie... I'm so sorry about what I said. I didn't mean a word of it! Niall is perfect for you." She stated, looking into me eyes desperately.

"Then why did you say it?" I asked, tears beginning to well in my eyes.

Chloe wrapped me in a warm hug. "I guess I was just jealous.” She pulled out of the hug. "Or maybe just on my period." We both giggled and she blushed at her own joke.

"Ok. I'll forgive you. You were the best best friend I ever had! And I don't wanna lose you!" I hugged her and we walked together to find Niall. 


Sorry that it so short, going to be busy for a little bit. I will update when i can

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