Chapter Eleven - The 'Kelsey Nightmare' (Part One)

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"Don't let me down"

- Daya

Note: Hope this book doesn't let you down :)

^^^^ Riles' sweet-sixteen outfit (Lyric's outfit)

"Well, shoes please." Kelsey demanded. Aaron sighed and tied her shoe laces. Who does she think she is? Aaron's the cool one.

"I'm honestly disgusted by that Kelsey-girl." Danny gagged. "Tell me about it."Kit rolled his eyes. "You must've had a nightmare life in you're old school."Shawn theorized.

"You think!?" I retorted. It was honestly worse! 

Actually, it was the worst.

"Aaron! The bow looks ugly! Tie it again!" Kelsey demanded and insulted. Poor Aaron. "Kay, babe." He gave in. "You know, Aaron looks more like her assistant than her boyfriend." Emery pointed out. She's right. That's not how you treat you're boyfriend.

If i had a boyfriend, i would treat him like a prince.

"But you already have one, Kit." Nikki smirked.

"Wait what? I said that out loud?" i covered my face embarrassed.Turning as red as a tomato. "And plus, Kit isn't my boyfriend." I spoke up.

"Sure. Maybe he isn't now, but he will be, someday." Danny smirked. Kit playfully shoved him and i turned into a blood-red tomato.

"Heyyy gurrrlsss. And guys." She winked. Ew. "Ready for the next lesson?" She asked, condescendingly. 

"We should be asking you the same thing." Arielle crossed her arms while squinting. "Whatever." Kelsey rolled her eyes, annoyed.

"Let's  just get out there." I suggested, awkwardly.


"Harder, harder!" Jake pushed. "Especially you, Wilson." He glared at her. She showed a sly, but frightened, smile. "Faster!" He commanded. Pushing us further and further.


Oh my god. I'm dead. 

I swear, tomorrow morning when i wake up i'll have a six-pack. Thanks Jake. I mean it. I wiped off my sweat. And the towel turned out like i'd just showered.

"If we knew we'd be worked out this hard, why did we even shower in the first place?" Kit and Danny complained to me. "Hey, i was just trying to get you out of that situation. You didn't actually have to shower." I reasoned. They both face-palmed.

"It's not my fault i'm smarter than you." I primped. "So you're saying we're stupid?" Danny questioned.

"I didn't say that. You did." I smirked. "See what i mean? Smarter two!" i chuckled. "Hey, you're accent. It sounds a tiny bit different." Kit pointed out. "Oh yeah. My dad is French." I smiled.

"So, can you speak french?" Danny asked. "Of course i can. Au revoir." I said as i waved , walking away. Haha.

"We can do that too!" Danny shot back. "Yeah, au rev-uh..." Kit trailed off.

I can't help but laugh from their failure.

Later that day... at about 4:30 PM

"Guys, come over here!" Riley called. I walked over to Riley who was holding a bunch of papers in her hands.

"I know my birthday was a few days ago, but i'm throwing a sweet-sixteen party tonight at 8:30. Everyone is welcome to come." She smiled, handing out invitations. Boy, must've taken a while to photocopy.

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