Heart For Sale

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{ Vote if you want to be a part of my Harry Potter army! }

I'm just going to give you a quick introduction! Boring, I know!>.< But it must be done! This story has nothing to do with vampires, werewolves or any supernatural sort! It's realistic, but interesting so you better read it and vote otherwise unicorns will slowly die out....I hope you enjoy this story! And please keep with me! I'm a nice person o.O

                                                                             Chapter 1

"Are you ready for this?" My social worker, Anna asked me as we parked in front of the boarding house. I looked at the huge building which was now classed as 'my home' and I sighed.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am never going to be ready for this?" I asked.

She nodded, and then brushed her blonde hair back behind her ears. "Worth a try. Come on, bud."

I groaned as I grabbed the door handle and then pulled myself out of the car. The sky in Virginia Beach was a clear blue which was strange because it had been stormy for the past few nights. A few trees surrounded the boarding house and a little path led up to the door.

This was my new home.

And I was going to be sharing this new home with 5 other teenagers who had lost themselves on their journey to adulthood.

"Come on." Anna urged and then gave me a gentle shove on my back.

I rolled my eyes as I walked up the little path and then I stopped dead at the front door. I thought about running back to the car and locking myself in, but that was a little childlish for a 16 year old, wasn't it?

Well, it was. But it was reasonable.

Anna reached over me and pressed her finger against the doorbell.

Ding Dong.

Was everything formal about this place?

The door swung open and I faced my new 'parents.'

They didn't look too bad. Early 40's or late 30's was my guess. The women had nice brown hair which hung down in curly strands. Her eyes matched the color and looked like melted brownies. She had a pale face, pink lips and a friendly smile. Her husband was similar looking with the brown hair and brown eyes. But of course, he looked more masculine and had slight arm muscles. He had light stubble on his chain and dimples on his face.

Their smiles kind of freaked me out.

They were too apple pie happy for my liking.

"Esme, Harry, this is Kayla." Anna said, gesturing to me and giving me a harsh look when I didn't give them my happy appearance. "Kayla, this is Harry and Esme Fall."

"Nice to meet you Kayla." Esme said, holding out her hand.

There was an awkward pause before I finally shook her hand.

"Would you like to come in Anna?" Harry asked.

"No thanks, I need to go back to adoption home. More kids to put in homes." She said, sighing and looking dramatically at the watch on her wrist. She gave me another shove towards the couple. "You go make yourself at home and I'll be back to check up on things in 2 weeks. All of you, don't hesitate to call me for anything. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks Anna." Esme said, giving her a soft smile. It came to my attention that Harry hadn't said anything.

She smiled back. "No problem. I'll see you soon, Kayla."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2011 ⏰

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