Chapter two

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When I woke up I was in what I eventually realized somewhat resembled an interrogation room. There was a Bostonian man sitting across from me dressed in a dark gray suit and a lab coat.

"Oh! Miss MacNamera! You're awake! that was quick!" Oh yay. An energetic nerd who probably won't shut up. Great.

"Yeah your goon may have pushed hard enough to knock me out, but only for a few minutes. In order to keep me out for more than ten minutes he shouldn't have let go of the pressure point as soon as he did. Now may I ask, what the hell is going on here?"

"Very impressive. Take a note about the Chuck. Anyways, Miss MacNamera we're in need of your skill."

"Listen there are plenty of people who can speak plenty more languages-"

"We don't need you for your language skills. However it may or may not be beneficial. I haven't decided yet. See I've been given an opportunity to gather 15 teenagers with special talents and put them in the wilderness to see how and if they can survive together. Just a test on the primal instincts of human beings We've got a hunter, an architect, and so many more! And now we have our doctor! And if you don't mind me asking, do you actually speak 21 fluent languages?"

"I wouldn't say I speak 21 fluently but if I went to each country I could probably manage my self there."

"Impressive. But as I said before we chose you for your medical skills. My name is Dr. Clear by the way." He began to get up to leave, he seems so confident that I won't decline his "offer"

"Excuse me Clear what if I don't want to participate in your experiment?"After all I was never asked if I wanted to or not.

"See since you're only 14 we needed your guardian's approval, not yours. Your guardian thought this was a great opportunity for you." That's bull! it's me going off into the wilderness to survive. I needed a say, I deserved a say and didn't get one.

"I'm an orphan. who signed me on for this??"

"Your house mother, Ms. Crown."

My house mother hated me with a passion. She wanted me out of there ASAP . I figured she would jump on any opportunity to get rid of me.

I did t think she'd actually get it.

Doc Clear's goons led me to a small room with a toilet a sink and cold dinner on a small bed you'd expect to see in a prison cell. I was told I would be escorted to the "experimental site" the next morning. At first, regardless of the tiny cell like room, I figured this wouldn't be too much like a prison. Until the door locked. 'You're not getting out of this shit show, Piper' I told my self as I began to eat the potato and refried beans they had provided me with.

After maybe three hours of counting the veins in my arms and legs, a group of six of Clear's goons surrounded my 5 foot tall frame. They led me down an extremely long corridor and into an elevator, who's ascension took about 15 minutes.

I was led into a tiny helicopter with one other person, not including the pilot. The woman began taking my blood pressure, checking my vital signs, and other routinely checkup things.

"Prepare for landing" she said with a thick German accent.

Since I had no belongings on my I helped the German woman remove the wires from me. As soon as we landed and the helicopter doors opened, I was literally kicked out of the chopper, and into a small clearing in a forest, filled with other people, teens, all looking as confused and skeptical of this situation as I was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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