The Fault In Our Stars Playlist

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This has nothing to do with anything, but I want people to see this.

If you haven't finished the book, don't read this until you finish

⭐️TFIOS⭐️ Playlist Meaning

Anxiety Attack~ Cover by PJ Ligouri

Reminds me of Isaac.

"What If I get cancer and I ain't got health insurance?"

Imagine him just saying "Try not to hang out too much, try not to watch too much TV." At Hazel's funeral, saying it to her and Gus.

Closer~ The Tiny

Hazel and Gus.

"As he's in the middle of the street."

Imagine Gus standing across the street with an unlit cigarrette, him looking at Hazel, her oxygen tank in it's cart, grasped tight around her hand, what if it failed and she died right there? "I felt my feet lift off the ground." She dies on a sidewalk, all alone after Support group, her mom is late, then Gus just lifts her from her cold, dead body?

Then he takes her captial S Somewhere.

The lyrics just tie in so good.

Into the Ocean~ Blue October

Gus. Gus. Gus.

Maybe a dream of him and Hazel, or him watching Hazel die from Somewhere.

Just sort if saying, what if Hazel died before him? And then he got the call saying "She's gone." Then Gus is just thrown into this ocean of his feeling, he leaves his house, and just outside the hospital, he lights up like a christmas tree on steroids and just...dies?

"...the loss of her the one I love..."

Just imagine Gus saying the lyrics, and the female parts, Hazel.

"I thought of your face."

Or, maybe...

Of A Friday Night~ Anaïs Mitchel


She's dying, and looking out her hospital bed window.

Peter Van Houten comes to visit, and he just sat in the corner of her room for an hour or too then left.

She's trapped up and wants to be outside, see the stars, and feel closer to Gus.

"Now the town is empty, empty as a mirror."

An empty town without Gus, and maybe Isaac couldn't take it when it came to the fact that his best friends were dead and one was dying.

And the lyrics are just so... Metaphorical, maybe Hazel just metaphor-ed her way through her final days to almost feel like Gus was there.

Running Through Rivers~ Carrie Hope Fletcher

Hazel/Gus first meeting.

Not really any more explination.

The Way We Were~ Carrie Hope Fletcher

Hazel all alone.

After Gus dies, she tries to go back to the way that she was, Gus fills her dreams, and poems.

But she's losing, her Phylanxifor stops working and the tumors build in her lungs, she's dying and all that happens is silence, and she's just praying "Take me back to the way it use to be."

And the moments in the song, where it's like, a couple song, is moments she shared with Gus before he died?

She can't fall in love with anyone else, because Gus and her were made for eachother, her and Katlyin don't really talk anymore, her parents are fighting and it all falls down.

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