That feeling

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Do you know that feeling? When you watch a romantic film or series. Like you miss something, like your hart has a gab in it and it wants to jump out. Well, that how I'm feeling right now. I feel alone.

The missing part
My hart has a gab
Something's not right
I don't know what or why
I only know there is
It's like I miss something
I don't feel the same as before
And I don't know myself anymore
I want to find out who I am
What I'm capable of
And what I want
For now, I only know this isn't me
I'm not the kind of girl who reads all day
The kind that doesn't like to have a party
The kind no one has ever bothered about
The insecure one
I want people to know me
The real me
I want to start over
And don't play an act I can't continue
I want to believe in the person I want become

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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