Part 1: It all happened when...

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"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!" 

You know that part of the story when Katniss volunteers as tribute for her sister Prim. Very touching but not this story. Have you ever thought of how Peeta and Gale are like when they are alone. It is interesting how people think that they despise each other. Of course, at first, they were polite and had a sort of mutual respect for each other, but things gradually got better...

Now as you may recall Peeta had loved Katniss since, forever, when he heard her sing that song called The Valley Song.

Cover of the song or something I don't know it was the first link that came

That's where Peeta was wrong about his so-called feelings for Katniss. He had tried to get her attention but it never worked. When Gale and Katniss became friends around the age of 12 Peeta noticed them together.  He got jealous. He knew that Gale had feelings for Katniss. But Katniss, being Katniss, didn't notice it and thought of Gale as a friend no more no less. One day he decided to ask Gale about Katniss. Gale agreed to tell him things but he did it regretfully. Gale had fancied Katniss and Peeta had fancied Katniss. That love triangle of theirs has been around more than they had actually realised it. They didn't necessarily bond over the love of Katniss, they didn't bond much at all and it's hard to say that they loathed each other though, seeing as they both covered it so well. But the more Gale told Peeta about Katniss the more they bonded. 

It was one midsummer's morning when Peeta was talking to Gale when he realised. It was a very big realisation, one that could certainly ruin his life. He had to do it, he had to tell Gale this, it didn't matter which way it went. This was it. His heart was beating. Ba Bum Ba Bum (i don't know the sound of a heart beating don't judge) Ba Bum Ba Mum Ba Bump Ba Bun Ba Bump Ba Bum :

"Katniss seems a bit bitchy doesn't she"

"Oh my God yes! I know right!" Gale beamed with his dazzling white teeth at Peeta. Peeta returned a smile but not so wide and giggled in a boyish manner. He was dying inside, he knew that he could tell him anything now. Peeta had finally let his guard down. Maybe Gale wouldn't mind if...he wouldn't mind if he was.....No. It was way too risky. He couldn't do it...could he....?

Their laughter drew to a halt and they looked into each others eyes. Gale cleared his throat and said in a low whisper.

"Should we do it?"

Peeta looked at him in awe, "D-d-d'you want to?" Peeta was ecstatic. Was he being serious? Of course I want to do it but anybody could be watching. How would people take it? Would they not care or would we be outcasts? 

Gale gave him a strange look but then re-evaluated his thoughts and replied, " Yeah, I mean, it is pretty dangerous-" Well, nah you don't say, thought Peeta. " -especially if your talking about Katniss!" Whoa, wait, hold up. Does he want what I'm thinking....I-i-i don't think I can do that. Oh God! What am I going to do? Turn down the offer? In his mind Peeta was freaking out (as you can see it's pretty self-explanatory). "And with Katniss it gets even more dangerous!" Gale laughed, he remembered a funny story of him and Katniss. Whilst Gale was laughing - to himself - Peeta was in the corner of his mind having a battle between Good and Bad:

Dangerous! DANGEROUS! Of course it's going to be dangerous! We could impregnate her! I can't do that. It's too risky. I can't get into that sort of mess.

But there isn't a chance that Katniss would say yes. Why should Katniss say yes? From what I heard about Katniss she is tough as nails. Who am I kidding? Nails aren't that tough. But she is TOUGH. Like, super tough. She wouldn't do it.

But what if she did. What would happen to the tree of us. I don't want to become part of a love triangle like the people in all of those capitol teenage movies! I don't want to be like that. I have to tell him. 

He might be disappointed.

It doesn't matter. I have to tell him.

"Gale!" He said with a serious face. "I have made my mind up!"

"Okaaaaay," said Gale, seriously, what is up with him, he thought.

"I will not participate in the threesome. I'm not holding you back, if you wan-"

"THREESOME! What threesome! I never said we were going to nor did I imply it!" Gale was disgusted. How could he say that!

"So why did you say 'Should we do it?'?"

"Because I meant it as in should we tell Katniss the truth. To break the ice! Do you know what? I don't think I can hang around you any longer. I can't even..." And with that Gale walked away.

"NO! Gale it was a misunderstanding. Please Gale it was a mistake! Gale!"

Peeta was left all alone in the woods.

Peeta had never liked Katniss.

OK I don't know what happened I just kept on writing. Please don't think of me like a freak.

 Bye! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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