Kicked Out Buddies

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What even is life actually?

It's a question everybody asks themselves suddenly, out of nowhere. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, or how 'oh so perfect' your life is. Everybody asks themselves that. Nobody actually has the real answer to this, because there is no right or wrong one. People can go crazy looking for it, but no matter how hard you search, you'll never find it.

That's what Oliver is thinking about. She glances up at a poster of two British boys on her wall. They themselves are glowing, naturally, as if the camera didn't make a difference at all. Brown eyes and blue eyes are lit up and their smiles aren't fake for the picture. Oliver stands up and walks over to the poster. The brown-eyed boy's hand is out in a dramatic way, sort of in a wave. Oliver lifts up her own hand and puts it over his. "I can't believe I'm not going to see you guys," she mumbles. She stands like that for a few more moments before a voice breaks in.

"Oliver? Are you really trying to make a dramatic scene with that ridiculous poster?" a much older, mature person says. Oliver let's her hand slip away from the poster and she spins around to her mother.

"It's not ridiculous." she says quietly, but loud enough to hear. Her mom snorts and steps fully into the room. "Honey, I'm sorry your father and I don't want to waste our money on some stupid YouTube concert or whatever."

Oliver clenches her fists and looks at the ground. "It's not stupid."

The older woman rolls her eyes, tired of her daughter's unnecessary obsessions. "These 'Dan and Phil' guys are messing with your grades," she scoffs. Oliver bites her lip and takes a deep breath through her nose.

"Mom, please get out."

"Why? I'm your mother."

"Get out!"

Oliver looks her mom in the eye. After a few seconds, she finally leaves. As soon as she does Oliver locks her room door and slides down to the floor. She closes her eyes and attempts to keep herself from crying. "They aren't stupid. They aren't ridiculous." Oliver tells herself.

An hour later, full of lying on the ground and blankly thinking about life, Oliver hears her doorknob being fussed with.

"Why have you locked your door? Oliver! Open this now!" Oliver's father demanded. The teenage girl sluggishly gets up and hesitates with the lock.

"What do you want?" she called, making sure disgust and annoyance was in her tone.

"To talk some sense to you, to get those boys out of your head."

Oliver grinds her teeth and rips her door open. "What's so bad about them?!" she hisses at her dad's face. He looks surprised, but quickly regains his attitude. "Everything, of course. They're personality, they're interests, what they do with they're lives." he says, as if it's completely obvious.

Oliver doesn't mean to, but she slams the door in her dad's face and locks it again.

"At least they make me smile when you can't do it yourselves!"


"Get out."

Dylan gapes at her parents. "What?!"

The two adults continue to stare her down disapprovingly. "Your seventeen. You can take care of yourself," Dylan's mother says coolly. Dylan steps back from them. Her dad steps forward. "You have twenty minutes to pack a bag and get out. Do not come back." he states. Dylan's blood boils and she pushes through the them to her room.

All because I'm lesbian, Dylan thinks to herself. She digs out her galaxy backpack and yanks open her closet. She angrily shoves a few outfits, her charger, and a certain YouTubers' book into the backpack.

"This is so retarded. I should be seeing the show right now, not being kicked out." Dylan growls to herself. Quickly she changes into a sweater with two strange hairstyles printed on it, black skinny jeans, customized Dan and Phil converse, and a lion hat. Dylan decides she would just sleep outside the Bass Concert Hall, where Dan and Phil are going for their show, and then get up and leave in the morning. Quickly Dylan cat-whiskers herself and hustles out of the bedroom she's known her whole life. She scoffed at her 'parents', who were calmly sitting on the couch waiting to watch her departure.

"By, assholes." Dylan snaps before pulling the door open and walking out.

She walks past lots of houses. Houses filled with warm happy families.

Dylan continues walking until she reaches her friend Oliver's house. The teen shrugged, walked up to the front door, but before she could knock a loud angry shout is let out. Dylan quickly snaps her hand back and steps away from the door a bit. When the yelling and screaming dies down a lot more, she hesitantly knocks. A few moments later, Oliver swings open the door, a brown backpack slung over her shoulder. She's wearing patterned leggings, brown boots, a colorful shirt with loads of Dan and Phil stuff and references covering it, her llama hat. She's also cat-whiskered herself as well.



The two girls stare at each other a little bit, before Oliver clears her throat. "Um, what are you doing here?"

Dylan snorts. "Got kicked out. I thought I'd come over and say hi before sleeping at the Bass Concert Hall."

Oliver's green eyes widen. "Isn't that where Dan and Phil are right now?! The show ends at 7:00. It's only 6:25, maybe if we wait outside we could see them after the show, y'know, since neither of us actually have tickets to get in."

Dylan nods. "Um, sure. But why are you all packed up?"

Instantly the shorter friend regrets asking that. Oliver's facial expression turns sour and her eyes fill with anger. "They kicked me out because I'm 'not the kid they were hoping for'." she hisses. Dylan glances back at her friend's house. "They seriously did that?!" Oliver only nodded. Dylan angrily throws her back down and wraps the taller girl in a hug. "I'm sorry. They shouldn't have."

"It's not your fault, why are you sorry?" Oliver laughs. Dylan shrugs and smiles before picking up her bag and putting it back on.

"Let's go, I seriously wanna meet Dan and Phil." she states loudly. Oliver rolls her eyes. "You do realize we can only do that if we have tickets to get in, right? And we don't."

Dylan frowns and the two girls begin walking in the direction they assume the Bass Concert Hall is. (Because they're both too lazy to pull out their phones and search it up.)



•Both creepypasta fanfics will have slower updates :(

•pretty sure I'm discontinuing "My Five Brothers"

•every books update will be slow slow slow

•I PROMISE THIS IS PHAN! OLIVER AND DYLAN HAVE TO BE IN THE STORY FOR PHAN TO COME OUT. YOU'LL SOON SEE WHY THEY'RE IMPORTANT OKAY? I just didn't wanna make one of those fics where they fall in love like like 2 minutes

Lol okay bye

Meowgoesthestar has been waiting for this story I'm sorryyyy go follow her.

"Thank you, Oliver and Dylan." *PHAN*Where stories live. Discover now