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**Dan's POV**

Phil and I climb into the taxi and I give my YouTube buddy a hesitant look. He sighs and puts his hand on mine, which weirdly, calms me down.

"I don't want them walking alone," I mumble. Phil nods. "I don't either, and I don't particularly believe their story either." I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "I don't think dedicated fans would lie to us, Phil. We don't know those girls."

Disappointing me, Phil draws back his hand and leans his head back on the car seat. "What if they were lying for a reason?"

I open my mouth to say something, but quickly decide against it. If those girls are true fans, they would tell us their problem, they wouldn't lie. But there is a slight spark of Phil being right. They did seem kind of jumpy and lost in thought. Dylan had been shuffling her feet nervously and Oliver had stuttered.

No, it was only because they must've been nervous meeting us unexpectedly. That's it.

But still, there's a small, little prick of wanting to follow the girls and make sure they were alright. They are our fans, and it's our job to love them when nobody else will. It's our job to care for them when nobody else can.

I let out a sigh and lean back as well. Phil scoots only ever so slightly closer to me, and rests his head on my shoulder and closes his blue eyes. I smile softly and lean my head on his.

The girls will be fine.


**Dylan's POV**

Yes, I know, it's bad to walk down the street while looking down at your phone.

But how could I not?

I continue to stare at the photo of all four of us. Phil has his eyes wide and his tongue is sticking out while Dan is making a sarcastic smirk/smile and Olive and I are smiling the brightest, happiest smiles ever. I set it as my lock screen and then the one of just me and them as my home screen. That picture only took seven seconds to take, but I swear, I've never been happier. Genuine happiness.

Eventually Oliver and I slide our phones into our bags and look at the street in front of us. Almost everything on the sides are closed, and everything that wasn't was not food. Suddenly Oliver gasps and looks at me. I turn and and furrow my eyebrows confusedly. "What's wrong?"

She smiles lightly and pulls out a small wad of money. "Starbucks is still open. I don't really care for it, but they have food, which is our main priority right now. Unless you have something?" Oliver points out. I glance at my bag. "Yeah, we're gonna have to go there. Everywhere else is creepy and I don't really feel like digging in a trash can."

Oliver starts walking a different way and I follow her. I have no idea what turns we took or streets we passed, but we eventually did make it to Starbucks. The sight of the large symbol and name on the building makes me laugh randomly. Oliver gives me a look. "What?"

I stop laughing and smile at her. "Nothing. It just reminds me of a gay fanfic I was reading once, and in it there was a whole campus dedicated to LGBT. Anyway, there was a Gaybucks, the place the main character found his love." I explain, laughing a little. Oliver raises a blonde eyebrow. "Seriously? Gaybucks? What kind of stories do you read?"

I shrug and we walk into the small restaurant. Immediately the sweet smell and warmth dance around me and a lady at the counter smiles. "Hello girls, how may I help you?" she asks politely. I cringe and twist a bracelet around my wrist. For some reason, waiters and service people always make me uncomfortable because I can tell how they're faking to be nice. They only do it because they have to. Oliver walks over to the counter and I lean up a little to read the menu. (I'm dyslexic, I have to.)

After a minute of looking and deciding I give up and ask for a simple blueberry muffin and Oliver gets some creamy chocolate drink and a cookie. It was really all we could afford without immediately spending all of Oliver's money.

Once we have all our food, we sit down at a table near a window in the back. I split my muffin in half and push a half towards Oliver.

"Here, you can have this, since you payed and everything."

Oliver shook her head and gave it back to me. "No, it's fine. You came up with the scheme to get behind the building, and if you hadn't, we wouldn't have met Dan and Phil."

I hesitate before taking it back and sighing. "Okay. Fine. I guess we are even."

Oliver cracks a small smile.

We finish eating in silence and then just kind of sit there on our phones. A group of four men walk in, all of them looking creepy and suspicious. The sight of them makes me instantly turn to Oliver. I jerk my head in their direction. "I don't like them. Let's go."

She nods and agrees with me. We gather up our stuff and say goodbye to the counter lady. One of the men's eyes flickers over to us as we push the door open and leave.

"Ugh, now I'm scared." I mumble. We keep walking down a random side walk until a silvery blue truck pulls up next to us. Our eyes widen, panicked. Oliver snatches up my hand and tries to walk faster, but the window is already rolled down.

"What are two cute girls doing out here at 1:27AM?"

It was one of the guys from Starbucks. "We were just going home!" Oliver snaps and backs us away from the truck. The man rolls his eyes. "I'm Gabe. Would you like a ride home?" 'Gabe' asks. His ugly eyes twinkle with something that twists my insides with fear and nervousness. I step forward, but only a little bit. "We're fine, no thank you, goodbye."

Gabe scowls, opens the door, and jumps out. He forcefully grabs my wrist and pulls me up to his face. "Listen you little bitch, you will get in my truck, you and your friend." he growls. Oliver shrieks and tries to push Gabe off me, but he slaps her and she falls to the ground. I scream in anger and kick him in the stomach, but not with enough force. Oliver stumbles up and Gabe pulls on her and pushes her into the truck. He closes the door and locks it, Oliver not being able to unlock it from the inside, because he probably has child lock or something else.

My breath hitches and I take off my backpack and attempt to hit the man with it. He dodges, grabs it, and tosses it far away. "Leave us alone! What do you want, you man whore?!" I hiss. Oliver is yelling and screaming and banging on the truck windows. I look to the side and notice our animal hats have fallen off. Gabe grabs both my wrists and pins them behind my back.

"Listen, you and her will do exactly what I say, when I say, and pleasure me all I want, along with my three other friends." he snaps in my ear, and somehow he got his belt off and tied my wrists with it. He puts his hand over my mouth and shoves me towards the truck. I continue to thrash around and scream.

And then I see the headlights of another car coming towards us.

It's a taxi?

It halts to a stop and a familiar tall guy stumbles out and drags another one with him. I recognize them.

Dan and Phil.

Dan runs up and yanks the keys and Gabe away. He tosses Phil the truck keys and Phil unlocks it. Oliver bursts out and jumps onto him and clings to the taller guy for her dear life. Tears are streaming down her face. Dan kicks Gabe in the face, much to my happiness, and quickly unties my wrists and throws the belt a different way. The taxi driver hands us our bags and hats.

Dan wraps his arms around me and lets me tremble and cry, slightly soaking his shirt, which makes me feel bad. But I honestly don't think he gives a fuck.

About ten minutes later, police arrive and start bombarding the YouTubers with questions. Oliver and I answer some and also mention his other three friends. After that, Dan takes us to the taxi and walks away to finish the questions. Oliver and I just stay completely silent, not exactly knowing how to comprehend what just happened.

Finally Oliver looked at me.

"So. Gaybucks."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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