A boquet of egos.

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"'T'was before the time when men spoke of peace,
When men did what they needed to do,
'Twas a decade of hardship,
Ultimately unfruitful.

'Twas a short age, where boys learned fast,
Where girls fought back,
Where women showed courage,
Where men broke brotherhoods.

An age in which a midget emperor rose,
Where a blacksmith's son overcame his king,
Where an old worn fighter found his calling,
And a bruised nation finally accepted humility.

'Twas the age before war,
An era of the same promised peace,
The same broken men with crooked dreams,
And patched up hope.

'Twas the calm, cool night,
Before hells fury scorned the surface,
With the call of the furies,
Came into being, the callous spirit."

- Anonymous

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