Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of thunder and yelling coming from downstairs. Ugh I can already feel a headache coming on.

I slowly got out of bed and went into my closet to find something decent to wear to school. But instead of wearing something decent I decided to wear something I wouldn't normally wear. My normal attire is ripped jeans,black boots and a leather jacket. Yes I'm not a very colorful person, but today I'm going to wear something a little different.

I picked out a black dress that had lace on the top and down the sleeves. It was also tight and stopped at the middle of my thighs.

I decided to curl my hair in loose curls and put on a smokey eye effect on my eyes and red lipstick.

I looked pretty damn good and I think a lot of people will think so to. I grabbed on my black stilettos and walked down stairs, well tried walking after almost falling.

Good thing Sam wasn't home because he would've murdered me if he saw what I was wearing.

"Raven you look beautiful." Emily cried as she examined me. "Thanks Em." I smiled and grabbed my Michael Kors purse and headed out the door to school.

I pulled into the parking lot in my 2015 silver Lexus. The minuet I got out of the car my two friends Madison, and Cj came over to me.

"Holy shit Raven you look hot." Commented Cj.

"I agree, so why you looking so hot, is there an occasion." I was about to answer but stopped when I saw the pack by Jakes motorcycle glaring at me.

"Uh ya there is." Madison followed my gaze and laughed.

"You two are something else." She said and we stayed by my car talking until Cj left and Jared came over to talk to Madi. I was about to leave until I felt someone grab my wrist and by the immediate sparks I knew who it was.

"Can I help you?" I asked while Turing to face my imprint.

"What are you wearing?" I looked down and said "clothes." He growled and pinned me to my car. "No one here should see you like this except for me." He growled lowly.

"Ya well you don't own me anymore, so I think I'm gonna head into school and see how many guys I can make out with by the time this school day is over." That must have really ticked him off because the next thing I know I'm being put in the passenger seat of my car and Jake was in the driver seat.

We pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the road. "What the fuck Jake we have school." I shouted.

"You're not going to school dressed like that, only I should be able to see you like that."

"You should act more like my imprint and not like Sam." That shut him right up. He pulled into Sam's driveway and I got out, slamming the door pretty hard.

I walked into the house and noticed Sam nor Emily were home. I marched up stairs and heard Jacob following. I opened the door and closed it right in his face.

"Raven we need to talk about this you're being ridiculous." I stopped and turned and looked at him.

"I'm being ridiculous? Jacob you drove me back home to change my fucking outfit and then told me I'm being ridiculous when you're the one being ridiculous." He ignored at what I said and grabbed my wrist and pulled me down on my bed.

"Raven, I'm not being ridiculous I just don't like it when other people look at what's mine."

"I'm not yours Jacob, not anymore."

"See that's where you're wrong Raven,  you're mine forever and I can't lose you. I already made that mistake and I don't want to make it again."

Why is this so complicated? Why can't I just be a loving mate and forgive him and love him forever and everything would be fine.

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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