How could he?

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Tini's POV

*I ran in my dorm and run to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me and fell on the floor crying. I can't believe he did that. He kissed another girl. How could he? Well I guess after this the challenge is off. I heard someone really fast walk in our dorm and knock on my door. It was probably Mechi*

Tini: Mechi go away I don't want to talk to anyone

Jorge: It's not Mechi

Tini: Jorge you're the last person I want to see

Jorge: Please let me explain

Tini: There's nothing to explain

Jorge: Please go out of the room

Tini: No

Jorge: You're going to have to come out eventually

Tini: I'm not

Jorge: You need food and drink and also where are you going to bathroom?

Tini: I'm so sad and angry that I don't want to eat or drink anything and I have bathroom which I don't need if I'm not gonna eat or drink something

Jorge: And what about school?

Tini: I can ask Mechi to tell the head teacher that I'm sick

Jorge: You can't pretend to be sick forever

Tini: Till then I will think of something

Jorge: If you won't get out then I'm gonna take some thing to be here until you get out of that room

Tini: Sure

Lodo's POV

*I went to canteen with Cande, Alba, Diego, Samu and Facu. We took our lunches and made our way to the table and I noticed that Tini and Jorge. We sit down and I ask Mechi where are Tini and Jorge*

Lodo: Where are Tini and Jorge?

Diego: They are probably somewhere making out

Mechi: Yeah, right. And actually there're in a fight

Lodo: What happend?

Rugg: You seriously don't know? Like the whole school is talking about it

Mechi: Rugg! *She yelled at him* Well what happend is that Tini and I were here to get lunch and we sit at our table and were talking and than she turned her head to lookat Jorge and saw hima dn Stephie kissing and then Jorge chased after her in our dorm probably

Lodo: Okay. Ummm. I'm going to check if no one is dead or something

*Everyone gived me a weird look exept Mechi*

Diego: Yeah, sure. Do that sweety *He said and gived me a peck on the lips*

Lodo: Bye!

All: Bye!

*I went out of the canteen and by every step I took I started slowly running and by when I was in our dorm I was really fast. I walk in and see Jorge surrounded with his clothes, pillows cilts and many more things*

Lodo: Hey! Whatcha doing? *I ask in schoked tone*

Jorge: Well Tini doesn't want to go out of my room so I decided to take some stuff until she comes ut of the room

Lodo: And then people say you're crazy. I really don't know why? *I said in sarcastic tone*

Jorge: Haha very funny *He replied to me also in sarcastic tone*

Lodo: Tini please come out I can't spend one more minute with him in the same room

Tini: I'm not comming out

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