And So It Begins (Chapter 1)

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We were running, fast on our feet, we won't make it. I know we won't. How long can anyone survive this war? We're all going to die. Until we die though, I promised daddy I'd protect Elizabeth and Adam. I still can't find mommy, maybe I'll have to care for them forever, forever alone. Stop over thinking things, Ellana. Everything will be fine, just keep running! Elizabeth fell to the floor before me. Oh god. I quickly lifted her in my arms and I ran with her in my arms. Adam was running as far as his little 9 year old legs could drag him. A man ran beside us and thrust his dagger at me, I ducked and I ran faster pulling Adam with my free arm. Running. It what I've been raised to do. So why does it feel so different now? Is it because mommy is lost? We ran for quite a while. Coast seemed clear so I put Elizabeth down and we all walked to the nearest protection center. We walked in and were sent to sleep in Quadrant 21. Before we went to bed though, the kids wanted to hear a story. Elizabeth and Adam begged me for a story. "Ellana, please? Mommy always told us stories! Please tell us a story?" Pleaded Elizabeth in her innocent 5 year old voice. I gave in, her brown eyes are so beautiful. "What story do you guys want to hear?" I asked completely lost in what story to tell. Moma never told me stories growing up. Only when I was very young, before the war broke out. "Ella?" asked Adam in the saddest voice I'd ever heard. I suddenly felt sympathy for my brother , my eyes darted from Elizabeth to Adam. "Yes Adam?" I responded. "Mommy never told me the story of the war... will you please tell us?" I was about to reject his offer when Elizabeth chipped in. "Pleaseee Ellana? Pretty please?" They both had matching brown eyes that dug into my very soul. "Fine." I scoffed. They sat down in their borrowed Pj's. I began telling the story that I, myself, had witnessed growing up. "Well, a while back, when I was turning 6 daddy came home in blood. Mommy screamed and sat him down on the couch but daddy wouldn't calm down. 'Lock the doors!!!' he was screaming. Mommy locked the front door and the back door. Adam, you were only two years old. You were in a high chair eating your food. Daddy was freaking out and telling mommy what was going on. There was a break out. A group of men who are mentally insane wanted to find out who is strongest. They're going around killing everybody. Who ever lives in the end, wins. So many people joined this that a small war broke out. Things got so bad that men had tired killing daddy hat night. Mommy helped daddy heal. Things stayed the same for a while and so many people died... then two years later, you Elizabeth, were born. You were the attention of the family and we all cared for you so much. One day that week, daddy came home limping. His face was covered in cuts and his arm was broken. I cried because I was scared of him. He kneeled beside me and whispered to me 'Ellana, my sweet baby, daddy loves you so much. I'm... I have to go. Take... care of your... sister, brother and ... your mother. I love you.' then he limped out to his room and fell on the bed. I ran over to him and watched him bleed out. Mommy came home and mourned his death. From that day on mommy taught me how to fight and protect you guys. In 2009 the war got much worse so people began building protection centers like this one to keep civilians like us safe from the killers. Now, things are so crazy, we have to run to stay clear of the crazy people. I don't know where mommy is, she didn't come back last night... I hope shes okay, but enough of this sad story. How about a story about Cinderella?" Elizabeth ,of course, loved the idea. Adam fell asleep in my lap and Elizabeth fell out half way through Cinderella's story. I, myself, was just about to fall asleep when I felt hands on my back. I turned my head and tears swelled up in my eyes. Mom. "Mommy." I whispered as I looked at her wounded shoulder which was now in a cast. She smiled at me and kissed me gently on my forehead. "Go to sleep baby." I slowly closed my eyes and let my dreams take care of my mind. 

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