Who are you?

18 1 4

" N-N-Neji-niiSan?"
" Hinata come with me we're going to a party "
Neji took Hinata's hand and ran out the door

The guys entered the mansion and heard the music and saw lights
People didn't really dance they just talked more danced less
" Is it me or are we the weirdos here?"
" It's you cause I look awesome " Kiba said dusting his shirt
" Really?"
"Oh there's the girls " Naruto said he was just about to walk up to Temari and TenTen
But Shikamaru grabbed his collar " I'll go and talk"
"If your defending them they already are talking to some guys" Naruto pointed to 3 guys talking and laughing with them
Shikamaru marched over there " Hello may I take this one thank you" Shikamaru rally smiled and walked away with Temari and brung her in a corner " What the heck are you doing?" Shikamaru got mad
" What do you mean? their guys talking to us" Temari replied
" Talking ? More like flirting"
" So no guy can come talk us or say 'hi'"
" yes"
" Shikamaru your jealous chill I can handle men myself"
" No you can't!" He yelled her
" Yes I can! I can do something that maybe seems impossible for me I can handle my own situation " she yelled back things didn't seem to be going right as you can see

" Hey isn't that Neji and that weird girl ?" Naruto caught them
" Yeah it is" Kiba answered
" Hoi Neji!" Naruto and Kiba shouted trying to get their attention but Neji just ignored them

" I'm finding a table" Sasuke said and walked away
" Fine" Lee said alone by the door doing nothing "I'll stay with Chouji how youthful!" Lee said

" Neji I thought you couldn't come?" Kiba said
" I needed to come here"
" Oo Neji has a crush!" Naruto chanted
" No I don't" Neji angered
" Sheesh Neji I'm just playing"
" And whose that?"
" I like her myself " Kiba said getting close to the girl
" don't touch her" Neji pushed Kiba back

" Shikamaru you don't get it you don't get me you know what I'm done with this" Temari walked out on Shikamaru
Shikamaru watched her leave "T-"
" I'm in" TenTen said

" Drink Drink Drink Drink Drink!" Everyone shouted It was Lee chugging a weird cup down his throat burning him
" Done!" Lee lifted the cup to prove its all gone it was empty the crowd went quiet of how fast he chugged then the crowd went wild at his skills that were unbelievable

" Woah !" Everyone was amazed on how well Chouji could make pizza
" Finished!"
" Woah that's are school record that's incredibly quick" a guy said with a timer in his hand
" How about the taste?" shouted a girl
" True" the guy said he stopped the timer to reset it then he took a piece of the pizza the texture was perfect melted cheese crust well done and the toppings not burnt but hot enough to stick to the pizza and not to much olive oil  everyone eye balled him then the guy took the bite his eyes went wide quick " Ravishingly perfect!" The guy yelled everyone went crazy then it was big enough for the crowd everyone took a piece of the pizza

" I'm sorry but I'm more charming than you sir" said a check boned guy he wasn't tall but he was normal height he was tanned too
" I don't care" Sasuke said very annoyed by him the girls were all around the two guys a few girls on the other guys side but their was a whole lot of girls on Sasuke's side
" Fine you asked for it the next math test let's see who has the highest score"
" ...." Sasuke just ignored him
" After Mr.Hatake's class tomorrow we'll see whose going to win " the guy said and left Sasuke didn't think about it or worry about it he didn't care

Ino came down her stairs and presented herself " Hello guys my name is Ino Yamanaka just in case you didn't know but anyways theirs another beach party in a month" Ino walked down the stairs she did get everyone's attention

" Kiba Naruto can I trust you?"
" Yes" they both said
" I want you guys to hide her from Ino cause obviously Ino doesn't like her"
" Then why bring her to the party?"
" I'll tell you later Ino is coming this way take her somewhere else to blend in and don't let anyone touch or you either"  Neji said Kiba Naruto took her hand and went on the other side of the mansion

" Your name?" Kiba stopped
" Kiba it doesn't matter" Naruto said
" I-I-It's Hinata" she whispered

" Your Neji right?" Ino approached him
" Yes"
" I was th-" Before Ino could speak someone already shut Ino up she got hit with a pan from no other then TenTen " Jeez you never know when to shut up maybe I should start helping you with that" TenTen put a hand on her hip " I thought you weren't coming?" TenTen said but Neji didn't answer cause he was wide eyed everyone stopped and stared then that paused stopped and everyone continued and the music still played on
"TenTen! "Neji grabbed her hand " What?"
" You just hit her!"
" Yeah so?"
" You have any idea what you've just did?" 'Neji sweated

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