A Letter From Bubble Tea (A Sehun One-Shot)

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The bright sun shined to your face, forcing you to wake up. You opened the windows to allow the summer wind blow. You lazily went downstairs to prepare your breakfast. Your house was empty. Both of parents died to a car accident and you had no one in your family to stay by your side, except him.

You were lazy for a summer day. You went to the park since you were bored. You sat on the swings, where you met your best friend. Memories overflowed about you played with him since you were kids. Especially the day you first met him...


You were playing in the swings then suddenly you saw bunch of guys gathered around.

"Stop!!!" You heard a boy cried out.

"You are so stupid!" I heard a kid said.

One of them gave him a slap in the face, it was really hard and his face was really red. You saw him crying. You ran towards the kids and pushed them away from them.

"Stop It!! Get away from him!" You yelled.

You gave the kid, who slapped the boy, a hard slap in the cheek. He ran away along with his friends. You crouched down and looked into his eyes.

"Are you okay? Don't worry, they are gone now." You said to him calmly.

You saw him crying, making your face soften. You took out a lollipop in your pocket and gave it him.

"I'm sure this will make you feel better. My name is (Y/N), by the way." You gave him a huge grin.

"My name is... Sehun" the boy replied.

"I hope we can be good friends." You smiled very wide.

Ever since then... you were good friends.

~Flashback Ended~

You remembered that he used to wear glasses but now he looked so cute. Now, he is trying to live his dream as a singer. Your thought bubble burst when someone covered your eyes.

"Guess who~~~?" A familiar voice said.

"Sehunnie~~~" You sang.

"Guess you keep on remembering this place, right?" He asked as he drank his bubble tea.

"Of course..." You replied.

"Okay!" He smiled cutely.

Your heart started to beat fast and loud, hoping he won't hear. You really liked Sehun all these years but couldn't tell him because he might not feel the same way and your friendship might be ruined.

You went with him to his favorite bubble tea shop. You guys talk about bacon, being a troll and derps like what you two did few years ago. You kept talking with him until it became night. You finally went to your house since you were really tired.

A Letter From Bubble Tea (An EXO Sehun x Reader One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now