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Laura Prepon felt her hair fly behind her head and hit her back in the turns. She always loved the wind hitting on her face and the freedom that her motorcycle gave her. It was amazing to just ride into the skyline, like she could escape everything. Laura had been in California for one week now, and she had been loving it. There was only one thing that was bothering her, in the back of her mind... Taylor. She thought about her and about had lied to her. She didn't tell her who she was staying with and she knew she should had. But then she would had to say other things and who knows how Taylor would have reacted. Laura knew she was doing the best thing for both of them. She was giving Taylor some vacation from her messy shit and giving herself an oportunity to try and forget. Thought she knew it was completely impossible. She decided she needed those thoughts away from her head, so she started driving back to the house she was staying in.

"My hot ex-girlfriend is back!" Storm exclamed when Laura opened the door, walking inside the house,dropping her helmet, and closing the door behind herself.

Laura was staying with her ex-girlfriend, Storm Beller. That's why she couldn't tell Taylor, because she knew that if she brought Storm up, she would end up saying they dated and then Taylor would know Laura was a lesbian. And that couldn't happen. Storm approached Laura and threw her arms around her neck.

"Did you miss me?" Laura teased and Storm pulled away, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, I did. Because I need someone to cook me some dinner!" She said and Laura chuckled, making her way to the kitchen.

"On my way, woman." She entered the kitchen and Storm followed her. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Hm...," Storm thought, jumping up sit over the table and crossing one leg over the other. "Pasta."

"Pasta it is." Laura smirked and opened the drawers to find the ingredients she needed.

She found the pasta, the sauce, and took a pan out, turning on the over. Since the water needed some time to boil, Storm gave Laura a beer and held one for herself, taking a sip. Laura took a few seconds to look at Storm. She had always been stunning, with her wild curly brown hair and expressive grey eyes. She was different than other women and that was what attracted Laura the most. Laura's initial plan was to rent some small apartment for two weeks, but Storm herself invited Laura to stay over and she gladly accepted. Though they were ex-girlfriends, they had a great relationship and when they were together, they would have loads of fun together. Storm was just like Laura: layed back and hilarious. During the week they spent together, they had an amazing time everyday.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I watched your show." Storm informed and Laura nodded, putting her beer down and concentrating on the food.

"Yeah, did you like it?" She asked, starting to pour the pasta inside the pan.

"I did and I've got to say those secretary glasses... I have one word: hot." She said and Laura laughed.

"I'm hot in anything." She winked.

When she had poured all the pasta inside, she walked to the sink to wash her hands and place her hair in a messy bun, letting all the skin of her neck showing.

"You know, I've always loved when you were dressed like this, jeans a shirt and a messy bun. It's hot as fuck." Storm said, not ashamed, and making Laura chuckle at her words.

"Well, when don't I?" She teased once again and Storm jumped from the table, landing on her feet.

She approached Laura from behind and hugged her waist, kissing her neck. The tall brunette rolled her eyes and turned in her heel, facing Storm.

"You do look hot in everything." Storm whispers and Laura chuckles, pushing her gently.

"You're just being your normal squeemy, flirtatious, bitch self." She teased and Storm laughed, shrugging and climbing up the table again.

"You lose." She winks. "Hey, in your show, there's this hot blonde chick, the main carachter... Your lesbian lover. You seem to have a lot of chemistry."

Laura looked up from the pan and cleaned her throat. "Taylor and I are just friends."

"You should bang her." Storm said and Laura laughed, feeling her cheeks get warmer, what rarely happened.

"Oh my fucking God, is Laura Prepon blushing? Man, this girl really gets in your nerve, uh?" Storm teased.

"Were just friends." Laura laughed and Storm shrugged.

"Unfortunaly for you, obviously." She said and Laura rolled her eyes, concentrating on finishing the pasta.

When she was done cooking, they ate in the backyard and laughed harder in every occasion. They did some wine tasting while they talked about really diversed subjects and Laura realized like she did every day, that Storm was one of her best friends and she really did love her, as a friend, of course. She was happy in California with Storm. There was only one piece missing... After they were done eating, they transfered the conversation to the living room and watched some corny movie that made Laura instantly think about Taylor. They would watch romantic movies together and make fun of the couples, saying they were far from as good as they were interpretating a couple in love. When Storm fell asleep with her head on Laura's lap, the tall brunette blamed herself for wishing it was Taylor.

Heyy and thank you for reading the second chapter of my first fanfiction ILYAIFHY about OITNB and Taylor Schilling/Laura Prepon.

Don't forget I love to read your comments and sugestions so give them please!

And since I love Taylor Schilling/Laura Prepon, please send me a private message or a comment so I can check out, if you wrote or are writing one, please.

Thank You Again!!! <3

Please keep track!!!


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