fading away

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Oh how i remember the memories of my friend and i playing together, all the time, like every day. It was sure amazing. He would come home from school and tell me all about his day, or when he got in trouble or felt down i would listen to his every word. I would try my hardest to make him laugh! He had such a cute smile. His name is Miles, heh what a weird name. He was so cool and fun though!

One time he tried to introduce me to his family but they all treated me like i was never there, always facing the wrong way, talking to me and him in such a baby tone. People are not who they seem to be. There kinda annoying, besides Miles. We would always play together with his action figures or some colorful blocks. Life was pretty great with just me and Miles. Until one day he stopped. He stopped everything, like playing with me, talking to me, all he did was ignore me. He would brings a friend over and wouldn't even introduce me to him, how selfish. I felt as if i was fading away from his life. like i didn't matter to him anymore. Was i not good enough, i honestly don't know what going on or even who Miles became. I feel like by body is burning from the frustration and anger that overwhelms me. I cant stand the pain, the misery, the loneliness. Does Miles think this is just a big prank, a hoax? Its not a very good one if you ask me.

"How long will you hide your face? How long will you be afraid? Are you afraid of little ol me?" i try to ask him every fucking day. He just sits there like a dumbass, texting or looking up disturbing images or videos on this thing called a computer. Every day i see him get a little bit older and for all those damn days he has ignored me, abandoned me, made me so damn lonely, i just, just...... I JUST WANT TO SCREAM, BURN EVERYTHING HIS LITTLE SELFISH SPOILED ASS HAS, I WANT TO BURN HIM UNTIL HIS FLESH MELTS SO VERY SLOWLY OFF OF HIM UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

My breath is heavier, i'm sweating, my mind is going crazy i cant even think. The taste of blood is clear in my mouth. The only clear though i can receive in my useless brain is destruction, killing, burning, the key ingredients to to banish Miles to hell so we can play again together like the old times, right? I just cant control myself any longer.

The door opens, its Miles. He walks over and sets a note book on his desk. My eyes fill with tears, i feel like i could drown in it.

The crumpled up note with a prompt said: Your a kids imaginary friend, he is growing up and your fading away.

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