chapter 2

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I woke up and I was going to go on a run because I do that on weekends. I was on my run and I saw something I have never seen before. Well I did just move here so there were a lot of things I hadn't seen. I saw a part of the neighbor hood that Tristin didn't show me. I questioned why didn't he show me this part of the neighbor hood. then i saw this house it was nice looking and it was really pretty. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. I wanted to meet these people. well a guy came to the door and said hey? I said " I am new here and i was on my run when i saw this pretty house and i wanted to see who lived here. My name is Rachel by the way." mine is Sean he said. well are you to go on runs? yes i run on the weekends too we can run together if you want to Sean said. that sounds great. well do u know a girl named zipporrah? yes she is awesome i met her first when i moved here i take it u know her too now? yeah she introduced me to some people. well that's cool. Then Sean accidentally said she is kinda cute though, umm... ignore that i didn't mean to say that out loud. Its okay. well i have to continue my run so see u later maybe can introduce me to some other people in the neighbor hood like some more kids that live around here. Okay I will see you later Rachel right? yepp bye Sean. So I continued my run and was almost done when Zipporah jumped out at me and scared me. i jumped and she said oh sorry i thought you were Sean i scare him on his runs all the time. oh well that's okay i just talked to Sean me and him might run together on he weekends. Zippy are you my best friend soo i can tell you everything right? yeah of course. well Sean is kinda cute, RACHEL you have a boyfriend already no cheating. i wasn't going to cheat!

I am trying to make the cross country team at my highschool but, i am not that fast of a runner. Zippy said " you can probably run faster then me so your fast. Don't qorry about how fast you are just know that you run so you get excerise." I told her thanks i just needed some encourgement to push me along. Maybe running with sean will help me get faster. Zippy said " Do you have any food? Are you starting to like sean because i cans ee it in yours eyes rachel?" I said " yes i have food lets go inside to get it. How do you see i like him in my eyes?" "Well there was a sparkle in your eye when you said his name. Rachel you have a boyfriend calm down i will help you theough this but, who do you like more. I know you just started dating tristin so dont answer that." Zippy said.

Zippy and I were walking around the neighbor hood and Tristin had joined us and Zippy said "look at the love birds." i told her to shut up and Tristin gave her a glar. I started saying how nice it was to finally have some friends and not be that much of a outcast. I told them how my life was before i met them and how i had no friends and was a outcast they said it was like i was never that way.

Tomorrow we had school which i was not happy about. It would be my first day at a new school and I hoped I had classes with my new friends. probably not chorus though Zippy is in band I am in chorus singing is my thing. I was scared no one would like me, I was scared the chorus class would think I couldnt sing these are the things I always worry about because i am the outcast. They told me not top worry so much and try to make friends. I told them I would try but not be successful.

My new friends aren't like all the other people at my old school. They talked to and became my friend and believe in me. At my old school in Washington people would just ignore me or call me the werido and push me. They would make fun of me and call me a nerd no one ever got to know me. I always thought if they actually got to know me they would know I am not that much of a nerd. I liked being able to think I could do something by someone believeing in me.


It was my first day of school at my new school and I was waiting for my bus with zippy. I asked her if everyone think your a creep or anything for being my friend and hanging out with me. She told me don't worry about it too much just think positvily. So that's what I did and it kinda worked.

I was walking to 1st period and walked in late because I got lost. The teacher said "hello you must be the new student Rachel?" "Yes ma'am I am" I said. she told me to take a sit and the only seat left was one next to a girl who looked like a slut.

I sat down ad she said go sit somewhere else this sit is taken. I told her politely that this was the only seat left and asked her what her name was? she told me okay fine and Taylor stop talking to me. I did as told.

It was the end of the day and zippy and Tristin caught up with me. They asked me how my day was I said "bad." they asked why what happened? I told them about Taylor and they said just ignore her. Don't let her get to you she is the bitch and slut if the school.

We were walking home from the bus stop and Tristin stopped us. I said why did you stop silly keep walking I want to get home. he had a sad face. I asked "why the sad face?" He said "I thought you liked walking home with me and getting extra time with me?" I said "I do I want you to come with me today silly I wanna eat."

We were at my house and Tristin put his arms on my shoulders and he scared me and I accidentally slapped him. I apologized and he said "it is okay but Rachel that hurt why did u do that?" You scared me I am so sorry and I kissed his cheek and he sai it felt all better

Zippy came down the stairs mad as hell and started yelling at me and Tristin!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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