Duddly Birthday

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In the home of number four Privet Drive if you see many pictures of the little boy growing up he look like a big pink  beachball You would also see a few pictures of a little girl with bright orange hair and bright green eyes. If you was a stranger in first and the house you would never of known a third child existed in the house there was no pictures of the so-called child his name was Harry Potter.

Kaylee pov

"Kaylee wake up its my birthday Dudley yelled. I work out of the box bedroom of number four Privet Drive and rub my eyes trying to to bit of sleet out of my eyes Just-in-time to see an glass of water being thrown all over me. I blinked though my damp ginger fringe, Dudley was laughing. I rolled my eyes  But I can't complain this treatment was so much better than the Harry got.

"Harry Potter get up now!"Aunt Petunia shrill voice demanded I hear rattling on his cubbord door. I sighed wishing they would let us share a room. I hate the thought of him sleeping there with all the spiders and dust. Surely it couldn't be good for him or his development.

"Kaylee come down stairs and help Harry love" Aunt Petunia called up the stairs. She was always a a lot nicer to me then she was Harry. I went to walk down the stairs but got pushed away by Dudley. Harry also got Pushed as Dudley passed him.

I sighed giving Harry the same look we do everyday "You do the bacon I will do the eggs?" he asked . I nodded, and started to get to work.
"Ready to see the presents Dudley?" Uncle Vermon asked his son. Dudley looked happy that was until he saw the amount of presents.

"How many are there?" Demanded Dudley

"36 counted them my self," bemused Uncle Vernon

"36! But last year I had 37!" Dudley yelled

"But some of them are quite bigger then last year " Uncle Vernon tried to reason.

"I don't care how big they are " Dudley Roared

"shh pumpkin how about when we go out we will by you two new presents " Aunt Petunina suggested to break the tension. Dudley beamed at this and started unwrapping his presents. The doorbell rang and Uncle Vermon answered. He came back very vexed " Mrs Figgs can't take the boy, "

Aunt Petunia frowned "and none of my friends can take Kaylee " she added.

"I DONT WANT HARRY TO COME HE WILL RUIN EVERYTHING " Dudley yelled I huffed why Harry, why can't he not want me to come.
It annoys me that I get treated better when we come from the same parents.

Harry PoV

I couldn't believe my luck I was in the middle of Kaylee and Dudley in the back of the Dursleys car! Although Uncle Vernon did pulled me and Kaylee aside threatening if there was any funny Business we will be locked away for a week with no meals. Dudley wanted an ice cream so we went to the stall Dudley had a big massive ice cream where I had a cheep lemonade ice lolly. Kaylee was offered an ice cream but she asked for a lemonade ice lolly to although she had one that bit more expensive then mine she offered to swap but Uncle Vermon wouldn't let her.

Kaylee left to look at the Giraffes giving birth Aunt petunia watched with her both awing at the baby Giraffe trying to walk. Kaylee was allowed to bottle feed the Giraffe. Aunt petunia would have never of let me do that. I'm left looking at the reptiles with "Duddykins".

Kaylee PoV

Urg reptiles why would anyone want to look at snakes. I watched as Dudley patronised one of the snakes. Banging on the glass. Uncle Vermon chuckled. " little tyke" he mumbled. I looked away feeling sorry for the snake. 

Then I heard a scream . a big massive snaked was about to bite Dudley ... how did it get out of the I wondered but ran to Dudley. " stopped " I yelled at the snake and in my surprise the snake stopped " go away" Harry said to the snake. It turned around and left the reptile room. I looked at Dudley and helped him up his mother and father ran other " what happened!?"his mother fussed " Harry told the snake to kill me" he sobbed " But Kaylee stopped it"  I looked at Harry he didn't tell the snake anything  but to go away? Couldn't Dudley hear that.

I am updating this book slowly as I believe I wrote this book when I was 16/17 ( I'm now 22) I have got 2 baby at home so it is hard to do work and look after her. So it will be updated slowly and will start book 2

I have cast the beautiful Madeline petsch as lily, as she's is a beautiful natural red head.

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