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"Look at those brave Jammers going into battle to save our land, Wisteria! I want to be like them someday!"

"Someday, Aparri, but not today." Aparri and Wisteria were best friends, they did everything together.

"Aparri, when you become one of those soldiers, promise me you'll stay safe." Wisteria said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I'll stay safe as long as you believe in me." He said staring into her dark brown eyes.

Wisteria II

The room was quiet. There was no sound other than the blowing wind and my soft breathing. I sat down on my pink bed, staring at the wall lost in memories and thought. My doorbell rang, which disturbed the silence. I sat up slowly and walked towards the entrance of my den. I was expecting Aparri, like always. I opened the door to find the tall red Arctic wolf looking down at my small little self.

"Hey Wist, you wanna go to Crystal Sands and finish our journey books?" He spoke with a 'pip' in his voice.

"I-I have work to do... but I guess there's always time for that later, so I guess I'll go." I put on my spiked collar, top hat, elf bracelets, sword, and tail armor.

"Alright, let's go!" Aparri started running and I chased after him.

Aparri dropped on his back onto a red beach towel along the shore. I sat at a pink one and stared at the ocean.

"My sister's coming soon, so you guys can have your 'girl time' and I can go find some shells for my collection." Aparri owned a huge, and I mean HUGE shell collection, which he had been saving up since he was a pup. His sister was Bepper, which I was really close to. We would talk about the latest in the Jamaa Magazine fashion page and... all that other stuff girls talk about. Bepper arrived and sat on the orange beach towel to my right.

Bepper III

"Hey, Bep!" Aparri and Wisteria said in unison.

"Hey guys! I'm bored let's build a sandcastle!" We, The Trio, started mixing sand with water and used Wisteria's pail and shovel to put the sand in. I flipped the pail to the ground and lifted it up, revealing a cylinder-like shape. Once we had the castle base, Wisteria decorated the interior to look like a den and Aparri decorated the exterior, using a few shells around him. We had a flag each and put it on the castle, one in the middle, and one on the right and left sides. We took a step back and took a look at our work of art. Satisfied, we went into the shallow end of the ocean and sat down. Aparri's fur was pretty heavy and warm so he dipped his head into the water and panted, looking at Wisteria with water dripping from his upper eye fur. They locked eyes with each other, Aparri looking at her shiny brown eyes and Wisteria looking into his maroon eyes that shimmered in the sunlight.

I, who took notice of this, quietly squealed and started fan-girling inside my head.

So cute!!

"Ooooooohhh looks like there are love birds flying around!" I

said smirking at my big brother.

"N-no! I-I was just... looking at how swag I looked in W-wist's eye reflection!" He made up an excuse, which sounded pretty believable to him. "Yeah mhm, right of course." I replied sarcastically.

Yeah right and I'm the Queen of England but I'm the narrator so that would be silly.

"It's true!" He argued, obviously not getting me to think differently.

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